Code Descriptions - WorldFamousElectronics/PulseSensorPlayground GitHub Wiki

Pulse Sensor Playground Examples

A collection of example projects demonstrating the use of the Pulse Sensor with various Arduino boards and configurations.

Code and Project Descriptions

# Example Code Description
1 GettingStartedProject Introductory setup for PulseSensor and Arduino.
2 Getting_BPM_to_Monitor Shows how to monitor heart rate BPM with PulseSensor.
3 PulseSensor_ATtiny85_Serial PulseSensor use with ATtiny85, including serial comms.
4 PulseSensor_ATtiny85_noSerial PulseSensor with ATtiny85, no serial communication.
5 PulseSensor_BPM Standard BPM measurement setup with PulseSensor.
6 PulseSensor_BPM_Alternative Alternative method for BPM measurement.
7 PulseSensor_BPM_UNO_R4 BPM setup for Arduino UNO R4.
8 PulseSensor_BPM_UNO_R4_LEDmatrix_Heartbeat Heartbeat display on LED matrix using UNO R4.
9 PulseSensor_BPM_UNO_R4_LEDmatrix_Plotter Plotting heartbeat data on LED matrix with UNO R4.
10 PulseSensor_DUE Demonstrates PulseSensor on Arduino DUE.
11 PulseSensor_ESP32 PulseSensor integration with ESP32 module.
12 PulseSensor_Nucleo Using PulseSensor with Nucleo boards.
13 PulseSensor_PTT Push-To-Talk functionality based on heart rate.
14 PulseSensor_RP2040 PulseSensor examples for RP2040 boards.
15 PulseSensor_Servo Controlling a servo based on heart rate data.
16 PulseSensor_Speaker Audio feedback from heart rate data with a speaker.
17 PulseSensor_nRF52 PulseSensor with nRF52 series boards.
18 PulseSensor_nRF52840_Feather_Express nRF52840 Feather Express board with PulseSensor.
19 SoftwareSerialDemo Software serial communication with PulseSensor.
20 TwoPulseSensors_On_OneArduino Connecting two PulseSensors to a single Arduino.
21 TwoPulseSensors_On_OneArduino_Alternative Alternative approach for using two PulseSensors with Arduino.