Remote Control - Workinq/Alt-Logging GitHub Wiki

Ever heard of Remote Control offered by ORelio's Console Client? If you didn't know, it's a very nifty feature which allows your accounts to automatically accept both teleport (a.k.a tp) requests you make to them and teleport-here (a.k.a. tphere) requests. Some people may have heard of this before but don't actually know how to set it up. Fear not, below is a tutorial on how to!

We need to start off by editing the main configuration file generated by the console client itself. If you haven't run this script before and/or you haven't set it up, you can follow my tutorial by starting here.

There are three ways to do this:

  • You can download the file from your server using an FTP client such as FileZilla, edit on your computer and then re-upload it again, replacing the previous one.
  • You can edit the file using software such as WinSCP where you don't need to download the file.
  • You can edit the file on the server using a text editor such as nano.

It's your choice on how you want to edit the file.

The file we are going to edit is called MinecraftClient.ini, the contents of this file which we want to change look like the following (when not modified by anyone):

botowners=Player1,Player2,Player3  # Use name list or myfile.txt with one name per line

You are going to start off by deleting all of the player names next to the botowners variable. After that you should add your name instead, in this case I'm going to use Kieraaaan as that is my in-game name. This is what it should look like:

botowners=Kieraaaan # Use name list or myfile.txt with one name per line

Now we need to enable Remote Control, to do this just change the variable called enabled to true. This is what it should look like:


Make sure to not set tpaccepteveryone to true as this means your accounts will accept teleport requests from anyone.