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Integrating AndroidAnnotation with Dagger2

Dagger 2 and AndroidAnnotations can easily work together, combined usage of both frameworks is described here. This guide uses Dagger 2; for Dagger 1, see this guide. The article assumes that the reader is familiar with Dagger 2 usage of normal Android projects. If not, the Dagger documentation and example projects should be read first.

Injecting into AndroidAnnotations components with Dagger 2

Injecting dependencies into AA annotated components does not require any additional step than normal Dagger 2 usage. You have to annotate the components with AA annotations as usual, and you have to declare the annotated class (not the generated class) in your @Components.

public class DaggerActivity extends Activity {

  void onInjectDependencies() {
    ((MyApplication) getApplication()).component().inject(this);
    // dependency is now available

  DaggerDependency dependency;
public class DemoApplication extends Application {
  @Component(modules = AndroidModule.class)
  public interface ApplicationComponent {
    void inject(DaggerActivity daggerActivity);
  private ApplicationComponent component;

  @Override public void onCreate() {
    component = DaggerMyApplication_ApplicationComponent.builder()
        .androidModule(new AndroidModule(this))

  public ApplicationComponent component() {
    return component;

Providing @EBean

If you want to use Dagger to inject an instance of an AA enhanced class, like @EBean, you have to add a @Provides method in your module. In that method, you have to create an instance of the generated class, by calling the generated methods manually.

public class SomeDependency {
    // ...
public class DaggerModule {

    SomeDependency provideSomeDependency(Context context) {
        return SomeDependency_.getInstance_(context);

You have to also provide an Android Context object, as usual in Dagger Android projects. After this is done, you can inject the @EBean with Dagger to another class:

public class DaggerClass {
    SomeDependency someDependency; // will have an instance of SomeDependency_