Hints - Wompi/robocode-bots GitHub Wiki
Just some hints along the way through Git and Robocode
looks like GitX does not support tag pushing (the option is there but it has no effect)
like always - console is your friend
git tag
- shows all tags -
git push --tags
- after this the tags are visible in GitHub as well -
you can delete tags with (probably only needed after some initial testing with tags)
git tag -d <tagname>
git push origin :refs/tags/<tagname>
- this finally deletes the tag -
delete an unused branch remote
local is no problem, just delete it with GitX
GitX shows the option to remote delete the branch to and he is gone in the view as well, but GitHub still shows the brach
git push origin --delete <brach-name>
and you got rid of the brach in GitHub as well
merge a branch to master
- checkout master
- merge (from the branch you want)
- a) no conflicts
- commit and thats it
- b) conflicts
- goto stage (just to have a look what needs to be solved)
- goto IDE and solve the conflicts (refresh - compare HEAD - branch)
- (gitX does not support merge commits) - goto stage (refresh if already there)
- open terminal (from whit in gitX)
git commit -m "Merge from <branch>->master"
- HINT: if the system is not initialized you may have to do the configure stuff down below
- back to gitX and - "Push master to origin"
standard procedure with git
select the current working branch
edit your code
commit to your local branch
optional: push the local branch to remote
merge to master (or whatever branch)
push master
configure git (useful at initial setup)
git config --list
- shows the whole config state -
git config --global user.name <username>
- sets the username global for all git repositories -
git config --global user.email <mailname>
- sets the mail global (mailname is your email address) -
if for some reason the url has switched (happened while using GitX and GitHub) can you reset this with
git remote set-url origin <yourgiturl>
setup ssh: GitHub SSH (useful for restart or new systems)
mac terminal slow
sudo rm -rf /private/var/log/asl/*.asl
(deletes all terminal outputs)