Home - WolvSec/Knowledge-Base GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the Wolverine Security Club Knowledge Base!

Getting Started


If you are a beginner, use our custom Docker/VM with all the tools preinstalled!

If you are more advanced, check out our tutorials for each tool and install them yourselves. Recommended as it gives you a more holistic understanding on the tooling environment.


Work your way through several picoCTF challenges to start off.

Here is a good way to approach them:

  1. If you are new to CTFs try some of the lower point ones
  2. When you get completely stuck look up the challenge on YouTube and watch a tutorial
  3. Solve, look for similar problems and do them without looking much up


See the writeups page for examples. Writeups are a great way to walk through a sample challenge. It is insightful to see the approach of others so that you can pull from that experience when you see a similar problem.

