Elite Crafting Recipe - WolfyScript/CustomCrafting-Wiki GitHub Wiki

To create a custom recipe for the new Elite Crafting Table, follow these steps:

1. Choose the "Elite Workbench Recipe" setting:

The Elite Workbench Setting

2. Click on "Create" (only v1.6.5.x or older).

3. Configure the recipe:

Place the items you want into the ingredient and result slot.
You can Shift + Right-Click on each slot to configure multiple items for the result or variants for ingredients.
The Recipe Maker
If your Elite Workbench is 4x4, you will not be able to make a 6x6 recipe.
The ingredients you put in will be automatically shrunken so they fit the smallest possible grid!
For example:
This recipe can be crafted in an EWB with a 4x4 or bigger grid.

4. Click on "Save As..." and type in the namespaced key for the recipe:

e.g.: /wui ores emerald_from_diamond
If you are editing a recipe it will also display a "Save" button, which will save the recipe with the namespaced key of the recipe you are editing.

5. Done! Test your recipe:

Example done