Config - WolfyScript/CustomCrafting-Wiki GitHub Wiki
This is the default config that is being used by CustomCrafting. The main settings like command aliases, database connection, and more are configured here.
Current config is only for the latest v1.6.5.0 because it was rearranged and contains a lot of new features!
Some settings (like custom_items.update) are only available in v1.6.6.0!
# Config for CustomCrafting v1.6.5.0
# -
# PlaceholderAPI:
# Identifier: customcrafting
# Placeholders:
# - %customcrafting_crafts% > The total custom recipes the player has crafted
# - %customcrafting_recipes_[option]%
# - %customcrafting_recipes_vanilla% > The total vanilla recipes that are loaded
# - %customcrafting_recipes_custom% > The total custom recipes that are loaded
# - %customcrafting_recipes_available% > The amount of custom recipes that the player has permission to use
# - %customcrafting_recipe_[option]_[namespaced_key]%
# - %customcrafting_recipe_type_[namespaced_key]% > The type of the recipe
# - %customcrafting_recipe_crafts_[namespaced_key]% > How often the player has crafted the recipe
# - %customcrafting_recipe_advanced_[namespaced_key]% > If the recipe is a advanced crafting table recipe
# - %customcrafting_recipe_permission_[namespaced_key]% > If the recipe requires a permission
# - %customcrafting_recipe_available_[namespaced_key]% > If the recipe is available for the player
debug: false # Debug should be disabled! That are a lot of Messages!
language: en_US # The language you want use. The context: <language>_<country> Available languages en_US, de_DE, zh_CN.
# If you want to edit a language copy it and rename it.
# After renaming you can just use your language file name instead and it will also be available in the in-game settings.
# If you have any language file you would like to add to this plugin, then feel free to contact me.
reset_after_save: true # Configure if the stored values and items you put or configured in the GUI should be cleared after saving a recipe.
alias: [ "cc" ] # Aliases for the main command of the plugin.
# This is often used to prevent incompatibility with other plugins that use the same alias like ChatClear, etc.
load: true # this should always be true if you don't use a database or want to export your data to the database.
# If you use a database you can still load local data, but configure how it loads them with the following settings below.
before_database: true # Specifies if the local storage should be loaded before or after the database.
# This is useful if you have items/recipes that depend on items in the database or other way around.
# Make sure that the dependencies of items and recipes are loaded in the correct order.
override_data: false # Sets if already existing recipes/items with the same namespaced key should be replaced when registered.
# Useful if you want to override a database recipe/item with the one from local storage.
# Or when "before_database" enabled override local recipes/items with database data.
# The recipes can only be replaced in Minecraft 1.15+, because the API pre 1.15 is unstable.
enabled: false # If the database feature should be used or not.
type: MYSQL # The type of the database. Currently only MYSQL
host: "localhost" # The ip or hostname of the data bank
port: 3306 # The port of the data bank
schema: "mc_plugins" # The name of the schema
username: "minecraft" # The username of the user to use for the connection.
password: "" # The users password
enable: true # If the advanced crafting table is enabled or not.
reset: true # If the crafting table item should be reset on each server start. This means the config is replaced with a new version.
reset: false # If the recipe book item should be reset on each server start. This means the config is replaced with a new version.
update: true # Use this option if you have saved CustomItems and your players got them in their inventory. Each time a Player joins the server it will try to update the CustomItems.
brewing: false # Toggle the Brewing Recipes. They are off by default to prevent possible duplication issues
lockdown: false # Used to block any kind of custom recipe. If enabled no one will be able to craft any custom recipe anymore.
pretty_printing: true # If the configs like items or recipes should be saved using formatting or just one continuous String.
disabled_recipes: [ ] # The vanilla or custom recipes that are blocked from crafting.
interval: 30 # Interval in minutes to save data.
# Currently used to save the data of the placed cauldrons with campfires underneath and the contained items and recipes.
message: true # Save message that is printed into the console.