Board Games - WolfgangKonen/GBG GitHub Wiki
We define a board game as such a game being played with a known number of players, n=1,2,3,..., usually on a game board or on a table. The game proceeds through actions (moves) of each player in turn. This differentiates board games from video games or real-time strategy (RTS) games where usually each player can take an action at any point in time. Note that this definition of board games includes (trick-taking) card games (like Poker, Skat, ...) and 1-player puzzles (like 2048, Rubik's Cube) as well. Games for GBG may be deterministic or non-deterministic.
Currently implemented board games
- 2048 (non-deterministic)
- Blackjack (non-deterministic)
- Connect Four (Connect-4, Four-in-a-Row, Captain's Mistress)
- Hex (arbitrary board sizes)
- Kuhn Poker (non-deterministic)
- Nim (arbitrary number and size of heaps)
- Othello (Reversi)
- Poker (2-player Texas Hold'em, non-deterministic)
- Sim (arbitrary number of nodes, 2-player and 3-player variants)
- Tic-Tac-Toe (Noughts and Crosses)
Beta version
- EinStein würfelt nicht (EWN, non-deterministic, 2-, 3-, and 4-player variants)
- Rubik's Cube (2x2x2 and 3x3x3 variant)
- Yavalath (2- and 3-player variant)
Planned board games
- other multi-player games (more than 2 players)