How to Properly Report an Issue - WoWManiaUK/Blackwing-Lair GitHub Wiki


This is a simple guideline on how to report an issue in a way that it makes it easier for us to reproduce and fix.

Before you open a new Bug Report you need to check:

  • If there is already an open report for your issue.
  • Is it a personal or character specific issue?
  • Is it a UI or addon issue?

If the answer is YES to any of the following statements above you should NOT open a bug report. Please then open an in-game ticket.

Issue Self Checklist

  • Am I using WoW-Reign's Client? (If no, then do not open a bug report)
  • Am I using the latest Launcher? (If no, then do not open a bug report)
  • Did I include the steps to reproduce the problem?
  • Did I include the description of how it should work?
  • Did I include the description of what is happening?
  • Did I include NPC/Item/Spell names (or IDs) from or Armory?
  • Have I been descriptive and precise?
  • Did I follow the template?

DO NOT log multiple issues in one (each boss/item/quest must have its own report).

Please include links to reputable sources to confirm your statements. The acceptable list is:

We will ignore and potentially close issues with links to other server or unacceptable reference.

Now that you have read and understood the rules click on the link below to go to the issues repository:

Remember that if you rush to log a "FAKE" issue you will be delaying the fix of "REAL" issues. So don't be lazy, try read the references about the quest, location of NPCs, spell values etc before logging an issue. Try to find workarounds where possible.

Another point to keep in mind is that we are "Blizzlike" not Blizzard. So if a fight or any other aspect of the game is not exactly as you remember but still functional and does not affect the continuity of the game we will not fix it unless we have nothing else to do (which is probably never). We do not have 200 developers to deal with everything so be selective about what you consider a bug.

Thank you!
