New Patch Checklist - WoWAnalyzer/WoWAnalyzer GitHub Wiki

While WoWAnalyzer should (mostly) work without any updates for a new tier, there is a bit of house-keeping that should be done to fully support new content updates.

Adding a Raid

  • Add the raid object to game/raids.
  • Add the overall raid object. The splash image used here is the fall-back for any boss that is missing a splash.
  • Add boss modules. Note that phase specs are likely to be discontinued in favor of pulling phase data from logs.
  • Add boss splash images (taken from the announcement blog post). These should probably be post-processed more than they had been previously to reduce size.
  • Add boss icons. These can be taken from the Mythic achievement for each boss.
  • Update the current raid on the Character parses page
  • Update the k-values to parser/retail/armorMitigation

Bumping the Patch Version

New patch systems (e.g. domination shards) are cover in this document.