Framework OpenLinux - Wiz-IO/platform-quectel GitHub Wiki

OpenLinux and Arduino ( EC2x )

  • The framework make standart Linux/POSIX application for Linux 2.6.x ( float-soft )
  • The application is executed inside module ( approximately as Raspberry PI Zero ... but with LTE and GPS)
  • Module EC21 (LTE + GPS)
  • Module EC25 (LTE + GPS)
  • Quectel Support
  • Ask your local Quectel support for all documentation...

Install Notes

OpenLinux is very big for auto-install, so...

  • Install gcc-linaro_VERSION_arm-linux-gnueabi SOFT FLOAT or other arm-linux-gnueabi-sf
  • Open file C:\Users\USER_NAME\ .platformio\packages\toolchain-gcc-ec25\package.json
  • Edit path to compiler folder "path": "D:\ARM\gcc-linaro.....arm-linux-gnueabi"


EC2x Firmwares

  • All with OpenLinux SDK

MANUAL Upload & Run via ADB

  • Upload
    • adb push app_name /home/root
  • Change the access permissions and run aplication
    • adb shell
    • cd /home/root
    • chmod +x app_name
    • ./app_name
  • printf() result is in adb shell

INI default

platform = quectel
framework = openlinux
board = ec2x

Basic example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main(void)
    while (1)
        printf("LOOP "); // result is in ADB shell
    return 0;
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️