[RT] C# Scripts in the Owlcat Mod Template - WittleWolfie/OwlcatModdingWiki GitHub Wiki

Rogue Trader Template - C# Scripts

As with UMM mods, C# scripts in the Owlcat template can be used to define and run Harmony patches, define custom Blueprint, Component, Action types etc.

To enable Visual Studio project support in the mod template, make sure you have the Visual Studio Editor package installed


Assembly Definition

To create a C# script, first create an Assembly Definition asset in your mod's Scripts folder



Then create a C# script asset


Entry point

To run code when your mod loads (eg. to run Harmony patches) add an entry point method to a class in a C# script. It must be public, static and be annotated with a OwlcatModificationEnterPoint attribute

public class MyScript
    public static void Load(OwlcatModification mod)
        // Your code here

TypeIds and GuidClassBinder (Custom Blueprints, Components, etc.)

Note: These instructions also work for UMM mods, if for some reason you want to make your UMM mod's components available to template mods.

If you want to reference types from your script assemblies in blueprints, they will need to be added to GuidClassBinder. To make your types visible to the binder, first add a TypeIdAttribue with a unique GUID to each class

class MyComponent : BlueprintComponent


class MyAction : GameAction
    public override string GetCaption() => "My game action";
    public override void RunAction() { }

Then create a class named ClassesWithGuid with a static List<(Type, string)> field named Classes. It must be declared in the root namespace and the names and field type must match these exactly. Add an entry to this list for each type you annotated in the step above

class ClassesWithGuid
    public static List<(Type, string)> Classes = new List<(Type, string)>()
        (typeof(MyComponent), "186f54c7f41448c3a8c497d1df4b6bd8"),
        (typeof(MyAction), "acf7ee13d7b143129c589dad4d2e3e1a")


Publicizer for Owlcat template

If you need access to non-public members in Owlcat assemblies you either need to use reflection in your script or use a tool to "publicize" these members.

TODO: publicizer setup instructions

Additionally, you will need to enable "Allow 'unsafe' Code" in your assembly definition:
