Team Charter - Wislamp/Rent-Ride GitHub Wiki

Rent-Ride Team Charter


Our goal is to ideate, plan, design, and develop a user-friendly car rental app within the next 7 weeks. This app will showcase key features such as a seamless booking process, intuitive navigation, and a display of available cars we have in our garage. The emphasis is on creating a functional and well-designed app that demonstrates our team's understanding of app development principles and user interface design, contributing to a successful completion of the project.

Project Information


  • Our team will meet weekly on Fridays at 7pm
  • We will meet using Google Meet
  • The meetings have been added to the calendar
  • We will communicate regularly using WhatsApp
  • We will share documents using GitHub Wiki
  • We will manage our project tasks using GitHub Projects


The sprint lead will...

  • Assign weekly tasks to team members
  • Plan, draft, and revise weekly sprint report
  • Organize and moderate daily stand-ups as well as discussion of sprint report
  • Update team members on project’s progress, key dates, and milestone deadlines

Team members will...

  • Attend and actively participate in all team meetings, including daily stand-ups and sprint planning.
  • Regularly communicate and collaborate with team members, sharing progress and addressing roadblocks.
  • Actively work on and complete assigned tasks.
  • Provide regular sprint standup updates.

Key Dates and Milestones

Key dates, deadlines, and milestones for our project are:

  • Project ideation and planning: Week 1
  • Initial app design including wireframing and prototype testing: Week 2
  • Development and testing of MVP: Week 3-4
  • MVP Demo: Week 5
  • Develop and test other functionalities: Week 6-7
  • Prepare for the final presentation and demo: Week 8
  • Final Demo:

Weekly Sprint Report Schedule

Each week, one person will be sprint lead for the week. The sprint lead will be responsible for keeping everyone on track that week, and submitting the sprint report in Gradescope.

The Sprint Lead will rotate each week, according to this schedule:

Week Sprint Lead
2 Wilhelmina
3 Solomon
4 Sarpey
5 Wisdom
6 Wilhelmina
7 Solomon
8 Sarpey
9 Wisdom

Each week, update the sprint report on the project wiki page. Team members should add the tasks they completed, and any links relevant to the task.