Sprint Report: Week 7 - Wislamp/Rent-Ride GitHub Wiki


Write a summary of what your team accomplished this sprint.

During this sprint, our team accomplished significant milestones including creating a booking form for clients, seeding the database with car options, refining button functionality to enhance user experience, passing the car id to the reservation form, listing cars to load data from the database, and incorporating images of the cars in the database within the Rent Ride car rental app.

The sprint report is a group submission, but one member of your team will write it each week.

**Author:**Wisdom Dzeagu

What did your team accomplish this week?

Created a booking form for clients to input details and submit when booking a ride. Seeded the database with cars to provide clients with a selection of choices. Worked on button functionality to ensure smooth operation throughout the application. Submit / save the reservation in the database. Pass the car id to the reservation form. Listing cars to load data from the database. Image of the cars in the database.

Write a one-sentence summary of each task completed. Included a link to the artifact (project task and commit) for each task that was completed. You can link to a github commit, a figma file, a google doc, a youtube video, or the most relevant url for the task.

Who Link(s) Task Description
Solomon [email protected]:Wislamp/Rent-Ride.git Added some seed data for the regions table and startup code for database initialization.
Wilhelmina https://www.pexels.com/search/cars Organized images of cars seeded in the database.
Wisdom https://rb.gy/13qe4y Created a Json file for car details.

What challenges did your team face?

What challenges did your team face? What are you or your teammates blocked on? We lost a member which slowed us a bit and way of storing the car images for the website but later we solved it.

What is your plan for next week?

What tasks will your team complete? What features will your team build?

  • Some page to list the reservations.
  • Adding cars.
  • Refactor reservation forms submission codes into appropriate functions.

Any other notes or observations from this week?