Commands List - Wireless4024/DiscordBot GitHub Wiki
Command name | Description | Permission | Example | Meaning | Result |
backward | seek backward | anyone | backward 10 |
seek backward 10sec | now playing at ?? seconds |
bassboost | toggle bassboost | anyone | bassboost |
toggle bassboost | bass boost : on |
clear | clear queues | anyone | clear |
clear all item in queue | cleared playlist |
forward | seek forward | anyone | forward 10 |
seek forward 10sec | now playing at ?? seconds |
j | join voice channel with you | anyone | j |
join voicechannel with you | connecting to 'test' |
leave | disconnect from current voice channel | anyone | leave |
leave voicechannel | I'm leaving test |
now | get detail about playing track | anyone | now |
show detail about playing track | now playing: a-ha - Take On Me.. |
p | search and play given word (if input empty argument mean toggle pause/play) | anyone | p take on me |
find take on me and play | now playing: a-ha - Take On Me |
pause | toggle pause/play | anyone | pause |
toggle pause/play | player paused |
previous | play previous track | anyone | previous |
play last track played | player doesn't have last played track (if don't have last track) |
queue | list all queue | anyone | queue |
show all track in queue(10 item per page) | Song queues | page 1 0 song in queue |
remove | remove track at position in queue | anyone | remove 1 |
remove first track in queue | removed ??? |
s | skip playing track | anyone | skip |
skip current track | now playing ???(next track) or player stopped |
seek | seek to play at position in second | anone | seek 60 |
seek to position 60th second | now playing at 1 minute |
v | change volume | anyone | v 80 |
change volume to 80% | volume is 80 |
ytsearch | search via youtube | anyone | ytsearch take on me |
search take on me in youtube | Found 22 tracks: a-ha - Take On Me... |
Command name | Description | Permission | Example | Meaning | Result |
base64 | encode string with base64 | anyone | base64 hello! |
encode hello! with base64 | aGVsbG8h |
capitalize | first letter uppercase | anyone | capitalize hi |
make first letter in hi uppercase | Hi |
decodeurl | decode url format to readable text | anyone | decodeurl %24%25%26%3D |
decode url to normal text | $%&= |
encodeurl | encode text to valid url format | anyone | encodeurl $%&= |
encode given word to url format | %24%25%26%3D |
invertcase | invert alphabet case | anyone | invertcase hElLO |
convert lowercase to uppercase and uppercase to lowercase | HeLlo |
tolowercase | convert string to lowercase | anyone | tolowercase HELLO |
convert HELLO to lowercase | hello |
torandomcase | random case in given word | anyone | torandomcase hello |
convert hello to randomc case | HelLo |
touppercase | convert string to touppercase | anyone | touppercase HELLO |
convert HELLO to uppercase | HELLO |
randstr | random string from given character list | anyone | randstr hello |
random text from hello | leloh |
regex[usage] | test regex with given word | anyone | regex match \d+ 1234 |
call /\d+/.match("1234") | true |
repeat | repeat a string | anyone | repeat hi 2 |
repeat hi 2 times | hihi |
reverse | reverse a string | anyone | reverse hello |
reverse hello | olleh |
sort | sort given string | anyone | sort cat ant bird |
sort given strings | ant bird cat |
unicode | get unicode number from character | anyone | unicode hi |
get unicode number from hi | [104, 105] |
Command name | Description | Permission | Example | Meaning | Result |
radix | convert number to given radix | anyone | radix 10:32 65535 |
convert 65535 to base 32 | 1vvv |
expression | config precision/rounding mode for =Expression | server administrator | expression rounding |
get current rounding mode | FLOOR |
Command name | Description | Permission | Example | Meaning | Result |
header | get reply header from server | anyone | header |
get header from | Transfer-Encoding=[chunked] |
get | send get request | anyone | get |
send get request and receive response | <!doctype html><html itemscope="... |
post | send post request | anyone | post url/to/your/restful param=value¶m2=value2 |
send post request and receive response | reply from your restful |
request | send http request | anyone | request post url/to/your/restful param=value¶m2=value2 |
send post request | reply from your restful |
Command name | Description | Permission | Example | Meaning | Result |
sqlite | execute sql script | anyone | sqlite enter |
convert bot into sql console | now you can type SQL into chat to execute SQL! |
Command name | Description | Permission | Example | Meaning | Result |
clean | remove message history from current channel | server administrator | clean |
remove all message history from current channel | deleted xx messages |
exit | save setting into database and stop bot | who ever in adminlist | exit |
stop the bot | |
hash | hash content | anyone | hash md5 'Hello world!' |
hash Hello world! with md5 algorithm | 86fb269... |
js | run Javascript code | anyone | js println('hi') |
execute javascript code to print hi | hi |
prefix | set server prefix | server administrator | prefix % |
set prefix to % | changed prefix to % |
resend | resend last message from user | anyone | resend |
resend last message | resending 'contents in last message' |