=(Expression) - Wireless4024/DiscordBot GitHub Wiki

used to calculate big number which support range up to 2,000,000,000 bits and precision up to 1900 digits because discord limit message length to 2000









Functions and Operators listed below

Note :

  • Variable name and function name are ignore case
  • Operator priority are same with C Operator Precedence

Pre-defined value

name value
pi 3.1415..
e 2.7182..

Note :
digit length is same as precision

Basic Operator

Operator Description Example Result
+ Plus / Add 8 + 3 11
- Minus / Subtract 8 - 3 2
* Times / Multiply 8 * 3 24
/ Divide / Division 8 / 3 2.6666
// Floor divide 8 // 3 2
% Modulo 8 % 3 2
** Exponent 8 ** 3 512
= Assign x = 8 8
x * x 64

Bitwise Operator

Operator Description Example Result
<< ShiftLeft 8 << 3 64
0.25 << 2 1
>> ShiftRight 8 >> 3 1
1 >> 2 0.25
& Bit AND* 8 & 3 0
| Bit OR* 8 | 3 11
^ Bit XOR* 8 ^ 3 11
~ Bit NOT* ~8 -9
~& Bit NAND* 8~&3 -1
~| Bit NOR* 8 ~| 3 -12
~^ Bit NXOR* 8 ~^ 3 11

Note :
* round into integer

Logical Operator

Operator Description Example Result
== Equals 1 == 1 1
!= Not Equals 1 != 1 0
> Greater than 1 > 1 0
>= Greater or Equals 1 >= 1 1
< Less than 1 < 1 0
<= Less or Equals 1 <= 1 1
|| OR 1 || 0 1
&& AND 1 && 1 1

Note :

  • return 1 if true else false


Name Description Parameter(s) Example Result Full function name
abs absolute value 1 abs(-8) 1 -
acos arc cosine 1 acos(0.5) 1.04719 -
acosh arc hyperbolic cosine 1 acosh(20) 3.68825 -
asin arc sine 1 asin(0.5) 0.52359 -
asinh arc hyperbolic sine 1 asinh(20) 3.68950 -
atan arc tangens 1 atan(0.5) 0.46364 -
atanh arc hyperbolic tangens 1 atanh(0.5) 0.54930 -
ceil round with ceiling 1 ceil(2.5) 3 -
cos cosine 1 cos(2.5) -0.8011 -
cosh hyperbolic cosine 1 cosh(2.5) 6.13228 -
cube third power 1 cube(2) 8 -
fac* factorial 1 fac(8) 40.32E+3 factorial
8! 40.32E+3 -
fib fibonacci 1 fib(5) 5 fibonacci
floor round with floor 1 floor(2.5) 2 -
gamma gamma 1 gamma(8) 5.04E+3 -
gauss random between 0 to 1 0 gauss() 0.76516242 gaussian
with digits count 1 gauss(4) 0.9674 -
if if(statement**,true,false) 3 if(1>0,2,3) 2 -
log logarithm 1 log(10) 2.302585 -
log2 binary logarithm 1 log2(10) 3.321928 -
log10 common logarithm 1 log10(20) 1.301029 -
max find max number 1 to any max(1,2,3) 3 -
min find min number 1 to any min(1,2,3) 1 -
rand random(max, min=0, scaleMax=0, scaleMin=0) 1 to 4 rand(50) any random
root find n th root of number 2 root(5,3) 1.709975 -
round round number with default rounding 1 round(5.6) up to rounding mode -
sin sine 1 sin(5) -0.95892 -
sinh hyperbolic sine 1 sinh(5) 74.20321 -
sqr square 1 sqr(5) 25 square
sqrt square root 1 sqrt(5) 2.236067 squareroot
sum sum given number 1 to any sum(1,2,3) 6 -
sumn sum number from 1,2..n 1 sumn(50) 1275 -
tan tangens 1 tan(5) -3.38051 -
tanh hyperbolic tangens 1 tanh(5) 0.999909 -

Note :
* can be use as number! like 5! is fac(5)
** if number is not zero mean true else false