Gamepad Overview - Wirecats5686/Wirecats-2019-Base GitHub Wiki


Buttons is the easiest method you can use on a gamepad. Each button is given a specific ID number that can be called within the code to map a command to said button. Button ID's can be found when the gamepad is connnected to the drivers station. When a button is clicked, and specific light in the drivers station will blink, indicating the ID number.


POV methods are simmilar to buttons but instead of a specific ID number, each command can be mapped to a specific angle of degrees on the POV arrowpad. The angles are on a 360 degree clockwise circle, with the up arrow representing 0.


Trigger methods are mapped under an Axis, and check for a specific condition to be met. for example value not being equal to zero. When the condition is met it becomes active, and the command is run.