Roadmap - Wintastic/space4x GitHub Wiki
First landmark
- Simple solar system (sun, few planets)
Moons around larger planets
- Asteroid belt
- Generate different types of planets (only cosmetic)
- Solid/Gas giants/Oceans/Cratered
- Different lighting masks for different types of planets
- Planets with rings (Saturn)
- Clouds/Atmosphere on planets
Draw orbit of planets and moons
- Gap between body and orbit
- Better skybox with twinkling stars
- Star clouds in the background
- Celestial bodies spin with an angle
- Simple UI
Zoom in and out
Pan with middle mouse
Pan with arrow keys
Panning does not change position.z
- Camera follows a curve when zooming in and out
- Context sensitive zoom and pan speeds
Hover over objects to see basic info
Adjust position of basic info
- Add animation
- Click object to zoom in and see detailed info
- Solar system minimap
- Design look and feel of UI
- Simple animations
- Simple UI feedback sounds
- Start of gameplay design
- More detailed information for every object and object type
- Resources/life forms/buildings/cities/atmosphere/etc.
- Detailed object view will allow interaction with the object
- Explore object/construct buildings
- Resource collection
- Build ships to send/space stations/mining rigs
- Simple tech tree
- Game loop