Utils - Windows-XAML/Template10 GitHub Wiki

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Template 10 comes with a number of utilities to act as extensions or to simplify certain areas of interacting with Windows.


// Return true if the device has hardware buttons. This is currently for phone devices as those without hardware
// buttons lose some screen estate for the soft buttons.
public static bool IsHardwareButtonsApiPresent { get; }


// Return true if able to set up audio capture for speech.
public async static Task<bool> RequestMicrophonePermission()


This class provides a few extensions:


This converts a Color to a SolidColorBrush. E.g.



This darkens a color by a specified percentage (from an enum defined in the class). E.g.


This example returns a variant of white that is 20% darker.


This performs the opposite of Darken(), lightening the color by the specified percentage.

Brightness percentages

To be used in conjunction with Darken() and Lighten(), there is an enum called Add which specifies percentages in steps of 10, e.g. _10p, _20p, _30p and so on, up to _90p.


public static DeviceUtils Current(Common.WindowWrapper windowWrapper = null)

Current returns an instance of DeviceUtils either for the current WindowWrapper or the one specified in the call to Current().

The DeviceUtils class itself provides the following:

// A set of flags to indicate the dispositions (capabilities) of the device.
public enum DeviceDispositions
// A set of flags to indicate the family that the device belongs to.
public enum DeviceFamilies

// Event handler that fires when device orientation changes, or the visible bounds of
// the application window changes.
public event EventHandler Changed;

// Which family does this device belong to?
public static DeviceFamilies DeviceFamily()
// What dispositions does this device have?
public DeviceDispositions DeviceDisposition()
// Does the device support touch?
public bool IsTouch()
// Is the device a phone? (defined as mobile device family and a screen size <= 7")
public bool IsPhone()
// Is Continuum in use? (defined as mobile device family, with touch and a screen size > 7")
public bool IsContinuum()
// Get the diagonal screen size in Inches (default) or Centimeters
public double DiagonalSize(Units units = Units.Inches)


return DeviceUtils.Current().DeviceDisposition()


// Evaluate the passed expression and return the name of the property
public static string GetPropertyName<T>(Expression<Func<T>> propertyExpression)


var propertyName = ExpressionUtils.GetPropertyName(propertyExpression);


// Convert the IEnumerable to an ObservableCollection.
// e.g.
// IEnumerable<Message> enumerableMessages;
// ObservableCollection<Message> _messages = enumerableMessages.ToObservableCollection();
public static ObservableCollection<T> ToObservableCollection<T>()

// If the specified key doesn't already exist in the dictionary, try to add it and the key.
// Returns true if successful, false if an error occurred or the key already existed.
// e.g.
// var keys = PageKeys<Pages>();
// keys.TryAdd(Pages.MainPage, typeof(Views.MainPage));
public static bool TryAdd<K, V>(K key, V value)

// Adds the items from an existing IEnumerable to the specified ObservableCollection.
// clearFirst specifies whether or not the ObservableCollection will be cleared before the items are added.
// Note: this method will fire the OnCollectionChanged event one time for each item added.
// Returns the number of items in the eventual ObservableCollection.
// e.g.
// IEnumerable<Message> enumerableMessages;
// ObservableCollection<Message> _messages = default(ObservableCollection<Models.Message>);
// _messages.AddRange(enumerableMessages);
public static int AddRange<T>(IEnumerable<T> items, bool clearFirst = false)

// Add the specified item to the IList<T> and return that item.
// e.g.
// var list = new List<DependencyObject>();
// var child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(parent, 0);
// list.AddAndReturn(child);
public static T AddAndReturn<T>(T item)

// For a given IEnumerable<T>, invoke the passed action on each item in the list.
// e.g.
// var priorKeys = _dictionary.Keys.ToArray();
// priorKeys.ForEach(x => RaiseMapChanged(CollectionChange.ItemRemoved, x));
public static void ForEach<T>(this IEnumerable<T> list, Action<T> action)


A number of extensions that are used in conjunction with InkCanvas objects.

// Save the InkCanvas to the specified file. If the folder isn't specified, the file is saved in
// ApplicationData.Current.TemporaryFolder.
// e.g.
// await inkCanvas.SaveAsync("SavedCanvas");
public async static Task SaveAsync(string fileName, StorageFolder folder = null)

// Load the specified file into the InkCanvas object. If the folder isn't specified, the file
// is looked for in ApplicationData.Current.TemporaryFolder.
// e.g.
// await inkCanvas.LoadAsync("SavedCanvas");
public async static Task LoadAsync(string fileName, StorageFolder folder = null)

// Clear the StrokeContainer in the InkCanvas.
// e.g.
// inkCanvas.Clear();
public static void Clear()

// Returns strings recognised from the strokes on the InkCanvas.
// e.g.
// string results = await inkCanvas.Recognize();
public static async Task<string> Recognize()


public static MonitorUtils Current(Common.WindowWrapper windowWrapper = null)

Current returns an instance of MonitorUtils either for the current WindowWrapper or the one specified in the call to Current().

The MonitorUtils class itself provides the following:

public InchesInfo Inches { get; }
public PixelsInfo Pixels { get; }

// Event handler that fires when device orientation changes, or the visible bounds of
// the application window changes.
public event EventHandler Changed;

// Attempt to make the current view fill the screen.
public void Maximize()

InchesInfo is a class that returns Height, Width and Diagonal sizes in inches. PixelsInfo is a class that returns Height, Width and Diagonal sizes in pixels.


This class provides a number of extensions.

// Gets the INavigationService for the frame.
// e.g. frame.GetNavigationService();
public static INavigationService GetNavigationService()

// Using the navigation service associated with the frame, perform NavigateAsync to the page.
// e.g. frame.NavigateAsyncEx(typeof(Views.MainPage), parameter);
public static async Task<bool> NavigateAsyncEx(Type page, object parameter = null, NavigationTransitionInfo infoOverride = null)

// Using the navigation service associated with the frame, perform NavigateAsync to the page associated with the specified key.
// e.g. frame.NavigateAsyncEx(Pages.MainPage);
public static async Task<bool> NavigateAsyncEx<T>(this Frame frame, T key, object parameter = null, NavigationTransitionInfo infoOverride = null) where T : struct, IConvertible

// Get the WindowWrapper associated with the INavigationService.
// e.g. WindowWrapper ww = navService.GetWindowWrapper();
public static WindowWrapper GetWindowWrapper()

// Get the DispatcherWrapper associated with the INavigationService.
// e.g. IDispatcherWrapper dw = navService.GetDispatcherWrapper();
public static IDispatcherWrapper GetDispatcherWrapper()

// Create a DispatcherWrapper for the CoreDispatcher.
// e.g. IDispatcherWrapper dw = wrapper.GetDispatcherWrapper();
public static IDispatcherWrapper GetDispatcherWrapper() 

// Returns a list of submenu buttons with the same GroupName attribute as the command button upon which this
// extension is invoked (which is treated as Parent command button).
// If no submenu buttons found,  List is still returned with element count of 0.
// For added convenience, the GroupName attribute is detected with string.StartWith(groupName) rather than
// the straightforward string.Equals(groupName). That way we can tag submenu buttons as groupName1, groupName2, 
// groupName3, etc. With this scheme, the parent command button should be named by subset string, 
// which in this case is groupName.
// You don't have to use this scheme in which case you just stick to a single groupName for all buttons.
// e.g.
// List<HamburgerButtonInfo> items = parent.ItemsInGroup();
public static List<HamburgerButtonInfo> ItemsInGroup(bool IncludeSecondaryButtons = false)


Provides three arrays - Primitives, NullablePrimitives and AllPrimitives.

The class also provides:

public static bool IsPrimitive(Type type)


This class provides a number of extensions for use with Uris.

// Returns the root of the Uri, i.e. everything before any query string in the Uri.
// e.g. Uri root = fullUri.GetRoot();
public static Uri GetRoot()

// Returns the query string from the Uri as an instance of WwwFormUrlDecoder.
// e.g. WwwFormUrlDecoder decoder = fullUri.QueryString();
public static WwwFormUrlDecoder QueryString()

// Returns the Uri without the specified query in it.
// e.g. Uri cleanUri = fullUri.RemoveQueryStringItem("filter");
public static Uri RemoveQueryStringItem(string name)

// Returns the Uri with the specified query and value added to it.
// Note: this extension does not check to see if the query is already present so
// use RemoveQueryStringItem first.
// e.g. Uri newUri = cleanUri.AppendQueryStringItem("filter", "today");
public static Uri AppendQueryStringItem(string name, string value)


This provides some static methods and some extensions.

// Tries to get the named resource from Application.Current.Resources. If this fails,
// `otherwise` is returned.
public static T GetResource<T>(string resourceName, T otherwise)

// Force x:bind page bindings to update.
// e.g. XamlUtils.UpdateBindings(page);
public static void UpdateBindings(Page page)

// Initialize x:bind page bindings.
// e.g. XamlUtils.InitializeBindings(page);
public static void InitializeBindings(Page page)

public static void StopTrackingBindings(Page page)

// Returns a list of all children (and sub-children) of type T from the specified parent.
// e.g. var controls = XamlUtils.AllChildren<Control>(commandBar);
public static List<T> AllChildren<T>(DependencyObject parent) where T : DependencyObject


// Find the first ancestor of the control calling the extension that is of type T.
// e.g. var ancestor = child.FirstAncestor<Control>();
public static T FirstAncestor<T>() where T : DependencyObject

// Find the first child of the control calling the extension that is of type T.
// e.g. var child = parent.FirstChild<Control>();
public static T FirstChild<T>() where T : DependencyObject

// Return a list of all children of the calling control, regardless of type.
// e.g. List<DependencyObject> allChildren = parent.AllChildren();
public static List<DependencyObject> AllChildren()

// Returns the `ElementTheme` that corresponds with the calling `ApplicationTheme`.
// e.g. var et = appTheme.ToElementTheme();
public static ElementTheme ToElementTheme()

// Returns the `ApplicationTheme` that corresponds with the calling `ElementTheme`.
// e.g. var appTheme = et.ToApplicationTheme();
public static ApplicationTheme ToApplicationTheme()

// For the specified `DependencyProperty`, mark it as unset.
// e.g.
// var ham = new HamburgerMenu();
// ham.SetAsNotSet(NavAreaBackgroundProperty);
public static void SetAsNotSet(DependencyProperty dp)

// For the specified `DependencyProperty`, if it is unset, set it to the given value.
// e.g.
// var ham = new HamburgerMenu();
// ham.SetIfNotSet(NavAreaBackgroundProperty, Colors.Gainsboro.Darken(ColorUtils.Add._80p).ToSolidColorBrush());
public static void SetIfNotSet(DependencyProperty dp, object value)
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