Message IDs - Windower/Lua GitHub Wiki

Message IDs and their respective messages, as they appear in various packets.

ID Message
0 <no message>
1 <actor> hits <target> for <number> points of damage.
2 <actor> casts <spell>. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
3 <actor> starts casting <spell>.
4 <target> is out of range.
5 Unable to see <target>.
6 <actor> defeats <target>.
7 <actor> casts <spell>. <target> recovers <number> HP.
8 <actor> gains <number> experience points.
9 <actor> attains level <number>!
10 <actor> loses <number> experience points.
11 <actor> falls to level <number>.
12 Cannot attack. Your target is already claimed.
13 Debug Message: <actor>: <target> is now invincible.
14 <actor>'s attack is countered by <target>. <number> of <actor>'s shadows absorbs the damage and disappears.
15 <actor> misses <target>.
16 <actor>'s casting is interrupted.
17 Unable to cast spells at this time.
18 Unable to cast spells at this time.
19 <actor> calls for help!
20 <target> falls to the ground.
21 No experience points gained.
22 You cannot call for help at this time.
23 <actor> learns a new spell!
24 <target> recovers <number> HP.
25 <target> recovers <number> MP.
26 <target> recovers HP and MP.
27 Debug Message: Cannot execute command. No (BTCALC) command in ATEL source.
28 <actor> uses an <item>.
29 <actor> is paralyzed.
30 <target> anticipates the attack.
31 <number> of <target>'s shadows absorbs the damage and disappears.
32 <target> dodges the attack.
33 <actor>'s attack is countered by <target>. <actor> takes <number> points of damage.
34 <actor> does not have enough MP to cast <spell>.
35 <actor> lacks the ninja tools to cast <spell>.
36 You lose sight of <target>.
37 You are too far from the battle to gain experience.
38 <target>'s <skill> skill rises 0.<number> points.
39 You need the Dual Wield ability to equip the <item> as a sub-weapon.
40 You cannot use <spell> in this area.
41 <actor>: Status ailment check (<number>)Cannot rest at this time.
42 <actor> casts <spell> on <target>.
43 <actor> readies <weapon_skill>.
44 <target>'s spikes deal <number> points of damage to <actor>.
45 <actor> learns "<weapon_skill>"!
46 Debug Message: Current POP number: (<number>)
47 <actor> cannot cast <spell>.
48 <spell> cannot be cast on <target>.
49 <actor> is unable to cast spells.
50 <actor> earns a merit points! (Total: <number>)
51 %%--%%Out of sight%%--%%
52 <target> gives up chasing <actor>. %%---%%Find Path Error%%---%%
53 <target>'s <skill> skill reaches level <number>.
54 <actor> gains <number> Besieged points.
55 Unable to use item.
56 Unable to use item.
57 Job changed.
58 Invalid job number.
59 You do not have access to specified job yet.
60 You do not have access to support jobs yet.
61 You cannot have the same job as both main and support jobs.
62 The <item> fails to activate.
63 <actor> misses <target>.
64 <target> is no longer <status>.
65 You are not carrying any Petras. You cannot use the <item>.
66 Debug: Resisted spell!
67 <actor> scores a critical hit! <target> takes <number> points of damage.
68 Debug: Casting interrupted!
69 <target> blocks <actor>'s attack with his shield.
70 <target> parries <actor>'s attack with his weapon.
71 <actor> cannot perform that action.
72 That action cannot be performed on <target>.
73 Debug: <target>'s status is now <status>.
74 Debug: <target> recovers from <status>.
75 <actor>'s <spell> has no effect on <target>.
76 No valid target within area of effect.
77 <actor> uses Sange. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
78 <target> is too far away.
79 Debug: <target> uses Double Attack(<number>%).
80 Debug: <target> uses Triple Attack(<number>%).
81 Debug: Battle Debug No. (<number>) used on <target>.
82 <actor> casts <spell>. <target> is <status>!
83 <actor> casts <spell>. <actor> successfully removes <target>'s <status>.
84 <actor> is paralyzed.
85 <actor> casts <spell>. <target> resists the spell.
86 <actor> casts <spell>, but <target> is outside the area of effect.
87 Unable to use job ability.
88 Unable to use job ability.
89 Unable to use weapon skill.
90 Unable to use weapon skill.
91 <actor> does not have any <item>.
92 Cannot use the <item> on <target>.
93 <actor> casts <spell>. <target> vanishes.
94 You must wait longer to perform that action.
95 You cannot learn <spell>. You do not meet the job or level requirements.
96 You already know <spell>.
97 <target> was defeated by <actor>.
98 You obtain an <item> from <target>.
99 <actor>><target>: <number>, <number>
100 <actor> uses <ability>.
101 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>.
102 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> recovers <number> HP.
103 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <target> recovers <number> HP.
104 Unable to use item. You do not meet the level requirement.
105 <actor> gains <number> experience points.
106 <actor> is intimidated by <target>'s presence.
107 <target> is temporarily unable to access support job abilities.
108 <actor> uses <ability>. Pet's powers increase!
109 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. Pet's powers increase!
110 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
111 You cannot use <item> while medicated.
112 <target>'s doom counter is now down to <number>.
113 <actor> casts <spell>. <target> falls to the ground.
114 <actor> casts <spell> on <target>, but the spell fails to take effect.
115 <actor> uses <ability>. Attacks are enhanced but defense weakens.
116 <actor> uses <ability>. <target>'s attacks are enhanced.
117 <actor> uses <ability>. Defense is enhanced but attacks weaken.
118 <actor> uses <ability>. Accuracy is enhanced but evasion is impaired.
119 <actor> uses <ability> on <target>.
120 <actor> uses <ability>. <target>'s accuracy is enhanced.
121 <actor> uses <ability>. <target>'s evasion is enhanced.
122 <actor> uses <ability>. <actor> recovers <number> HP.
123 <actor> uses <ability>. <actor> successfully removes <target>'s <status>.
124 <actor> achieves Gate Breach status!
125 <actor> uses <ability>. <actor> steals an <item> from <target>.
126 <actor> uses <ability>. <actor>'s movement speed increases.
127 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> is <status>.
128 <target> is <status> and cannot perform that action.
129 <actor> uses <ability>. <actor> mugs <gil> from <target>.
130 <target> is <status> for making an equipment change.
131 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> is fortified against undead.
132 <target>'s spikes drain <number> HP from <actor>.
133 <actor> uses <ability>. <actor> steals <number> Petra from <target>.
134 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> is fortified against arcana.
135 <actor> uses <weapon_skill> on <target>.
136 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> is now under <actor>'s control.
137 <actor> uses <ability>. <actor> fails to charm <target>.
138 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> seems friendlier.
139 <actor> uses <ability>, but finds nothing.
140 <actor> uses <ability>, and finds an <item>.
141 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> is <status>.
142 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <target> receives the effect of Accuracy Down and Evasion Down.
143 <actor> uses <ability>. Ranged attacks become more accurate.
144 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> receives the effect of Accuracy Down and Evasion Down.
145 <target> receives the effect of Accuracy Down and Evasion Down.
146 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> receives the effect of Accuracy Boost and Evasion Boost.
147 <target> receives the effect of Accuracy Boost and Evasion Boost.
148 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> is fortified against demons.
149 <target> is fortified against demons.
150 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> is fortified against dragons.
151 <target> is fortified against dragons.
152 Additional effect: <actor> recovers <number> MP.
153 <actor> uses <ability>. <actor> fails to steal from <target>.
154 <target> is out of range.
155 You cannot perform that action on the specified target.
156 <actor> uses <ability>. No effect on <target>.
157 <actor> uses Barrage. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
158 <actor> uses <ability>, but misses.
159 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <target>'s <status> effect disappears!
160 Additional effect: <status>.
161 Additional effect: <number> HP drained from <target>.
162 Additional effect: <number> MP drained from <target>.
163 Additional effect: <number> points of damage.
164 Additional effect: <status>.
165 Additional effect: <number> TP drained from <target>.
166 Additional effect: <actor> gains the effect of <status>.
167 Additional effect: <actor> recovers <number> HP.
168 Additional effect: <target>'s <status> effect disappears!
169 Additional effect: Warp!
170 <target> seems <skill>. It seems to have high evasion and defense.
171 <target> seems <skill>. It seems to have high evasion.
172 <target> seems <skill>. It seems to have high evasion but low defense.
173 <target> seems <skill>. It seems to have high defense.
174 <target> seems <skill>.
175 <target> seems <skill>. It seems to have low defense.
176 <target> seems <skill>. It seems to have low evasion but high defense.
177 <target> seems <skill>. It seems to have low evasion.
178 <target> seems <skill>. It seems to have low evasion and defense.
179 <target>: hit-eva(<number>) => <number>%
180 str-vit(<number>) dmg-adj(<number>)
181 atk-def(<number>) ofs-adj%(<number>)
182 <target>: MonNo(<number>)-Lev(<number>)
183 HIT-EVA(<number>) ATK-DEF(<number>)
184 <actor>:ALLIANCE SUM=<number>/LEV=<number>
185 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
186 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <target> gains the effect of <status>.
187 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <number> HP drained from <target>.
188 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>, but misses <target>.
189 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. No effect on <target>.
190 <actor> cannot use that weapon ability.
191 <actor> is unable to use weapon skills.
192 <actor> does not have enough TP.
193 <weapon_skill> cannot be used against that target.
194 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <target> gains the effect of <status>.
195 <target>: TOTAL ALLIANCE SUM=<number>/LEV=<number>
196 Skillchain! <target> takes <number> points of damage.
197 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>, but <target> resists. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
198 <target> is too far away.
199 That action requires a shield.
200 Time left until next use: (<time>)
201 Current time: (<time>)
202 Time left: (<time>)
203 <target> is <status>.
204 <target> is no longer <status>.
205 <target> gains the effect of <status>.
206 <target>'s <status> effect wears off.
207 HP / HPMax:<number>/<number>
208 MP / MPMax:<number>/<number>
209 TP:<number>%
210 <actor> cannot charm <target>!
211 It would be very difficult for <actor> to charm <target>.
212 It would be difficult for <actor> to charm <target>.
213 <actor> might be able to charm <target>.
214 <actor> should be able to charm <target>.
215 That action requires a pet.
216 You do not have an appropriate ranged weapon equipped.
217 You cannot see <target>.
218 You move and interrupt your aim.
219 You cannot see <target>.
220 You move and interrupt your aim.
221 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <target>'s pet is released.
222 <target> isn't selling anything.
223 Skillchain: <number> points of damage.
224 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <target> recovers <number> MP.
225 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <number> MP drained from <target>.
226 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <number> TP drained from <target>.
227 <actor> casts <spell>. <number> HP drained from <target>.
228 <actor> casts <spell>. <number> MP drained from <target>.
229 Additional effect: <target> takes <number> additional points of damage.
230 <actor> casts <spell>. <target> gains the effect of <status>.
231 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <number> of <target>'s effects disappears!
232 <target> is drawn in!
233 You are ineligible to attack that target.
234 Auto-targeting <target>.
235 That is someone's pet.
236 <actor> casts <spell>. <target> is <status>.
237 <actor> casts <spell>. <target> receives the effect of <status>.
238 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <target> recovers <number> HP.
239 Size: <number>
240 <actor> tries to hide, but is spotted by <target>.
241 <actor> hides!
242 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <target> is <status>.
243 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <target> receives the effect of <status>.
244 <actor> fails to mug <target>.
245 <actor> uses Eagle Eye Shot, but misses <target>.
246 <target> is full.
247 <actor> can't eat the <item>.
248 <actor>'s attack has no effect on <target>.
249 <target>'s strength is impossible to gauge!
250 Reraise takes effect!
251 The effect of <status> is about to wear off.
252 <actor> casts <spell>. Magic Burst! <target> takes <number> points of damage.
253 EXP chain #<number>! <actor> gains <number> experience points.
254 Current enmity: <number>
255 DEBUG: <target>><number>% chance of success.
256 In this flower pot: Seeds sown: <item>
257 Crystal used: none
258 Crystal used: <item>
259 First crystal used: <item> Second crystal used: <item>
260 First crystal used: none Second crystal used: <item>
261 First crystal used: <item> Second crystal used: none
262 First crystal used: none Second crystal used: none
263 <target> recovers <number> HP.
264 <target> takes <number> points of damage.
265 Magic Burst! <target> takes <number> points of damage.
266 <target> gains the effect of <status>.
267 <target> receives the effect of <status>.
268 <actor> casts <spell>. Magic Burst! <target> receives the effect of <status>.
269 Magic Burst! <target> receives the effect of <status>.
270 <target> is <status>.
271 <actor> casts <spell>. Magic Burst! <target> is <status>.
272 Magic Burst! <target> is <status>.
273 <target> vanishes!
274 <actor> casts <spell>. Magic Burst! <number> HP drained from <target>.
275 <actor> casts <spell>. Magic Burst! <number> MP drained from <target>.
276 <target> recovers <number> MP.
277 <target> is <status>.
278 <target> receives the effect of <status>.
279 <target> is <status>.
280 <target> gains the effect of <status>.
281 <number> HP drained from <target>.
282 <target> evades.
283 No effect on <target>.
284 <target> resists the effects of the spell!
285 <target>'s attacks are enhanced.
286 <target> is fortified against undead.
287 <target> is fortified against arcana.
288 Skillchain: Light. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
289 Skillchain: Darkness. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
290 Skillchain: Gravitation. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
291 Skillchain: Fragmentation. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
292 Skillchain: Distortion. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
293 Skillchain: Fusion. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
294 Skillchain: Compression. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
295 Skillchain: Liquefaction. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
296 Skillchain: Induration. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
297 Skillchain: Reverberation. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
298 Skillchain: Transfixion. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
299 Skillchain: Scission. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
300 Skillchain: Detonation. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
301 Skillchain: Impaction. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
302 Skillchain: Cosmic Elucidation. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
303 <actor> uses Divine Seal.
304 <actor> uses Elemental Seal.
305 <actor> uses Trick Attack.
306 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> recovers <number> HP.
307 That action requires a two-handed weapon.
308 Unable to use the <item>. <target>'s inventory is full.
309 <actor> casts <spell> on <target>.
310 <actor>'s <skill> skill drops 0.<number> points!
311 <actor> covers <target>.
312 <actor>'s attempt to cover has no effect.
313 <target> is out of range. Unable to cast <spell>.
314 <target>'s level is currently restricted to <number>. Equipment affected by the level restriction will be adjusted accordingly.
315 <actor> already has a pet.
316 That action cannot be used in this area.
317 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
318 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> recovers <number> HP.
319 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> gains the effect of <status>.
320 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> receives the effect of <status>.
321 <actor> uses <ability>. <target>'s <status> effect wears off.
322 <actor> uses <ability>. <target>'s <status> effect wears off.
323 <actor> uses <ability>. No effect on <target>.
324 <actor> uses <ability>, but misses <target>.
325 You are charmed by an enemy and unable to act.
326 <actor> readies <ability>.
327 <actor> starts casting <spell> on <target>.
328 <target> is too far away.
329 <actor> casts <spell>. <target>'s STR is drained.
330 <actor> casts <spell>. <target>'s DEX is drained.
331 <actor> casts <spell>. <target>'s VIT is drained.
332 <actor> casts <spell>. <target>'s AGI is drained.
333 <actor> casts <spell>. <target>'s INT is drained.
334 <actor> casts <spell>. <target>'s MND is drained.
335 <actor> casts <spell>. <target>'s CHR is drained.
336 No effect on that pet.
337 You do not have the necessary item equipped to call a beast.
338 You cannot summon avatars here.
339 Your chocobo senses a hostile presence and refuses to come to your side.
340 You must equip your main weapon first to use Dual Wield.
341 <actor> casts <spell>. <target>'s <status> effect disappears!
342 <actor> casts <spell>. <target>'s <status> effect disappears!
343 <target>'s <status> effect disappears!
344 <target>'s <status> effect disappears!
345 You cannot heal while you have an avatar summoned.
346 You must summon an avatar to use that command.
347 You must have pet food equipped to use that command.
348 You cannot call wyverns here.
349 You cannot call beasts here.
350 <target> is no longer <status>.
351 The remedy removes <target>'s status ailments.
352 <actor>'s ranged attack hits <target> for <number> points of damage.
353 <actor>'s ranged attack scores a critical hit! <target> takes <number> points of damage.
354 <actor>'s ranged attack misses.
355 <actor>'s ranged attack has no effect on <target>.
356 Cannot execute command. Your inventory is full.
357 <target> regains <number> HP.
358 <target> regains <number> MP.
359 <target> narrowly escapes impending doom.
360 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. All of <target>'s abilities are recharged.
361 All of <target>'s abilities are recharged.
362 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <target>'s TP is reduced to <number>.
363 <target>'s TP is reduced to <number>.
364 <actor> uses <ability>. All of <target>'s status parameters are boosted.
365 All of <target>'s status parameters are boosted.
366 <number> MP drained from <target>.
367 <target> recovers <number> HP.
368 <actor> earns a merit points! (Total: <number>)
369 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <number> of <target>'s attributes is drained.
370 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <number> status effect is drained from <target>.
371 <actor> gains <number> limit points.
372 Limit chain #<number>! <actor> gains <number> limit points.
373 <actor> hits <target>. <target> recovers <number> hit points!
374 Striking <target>'s armor causes <actor> to become <status>.
375 <actor> uses an <item>. <target> receives the effect of <status>.
376 <actor> uses an <item>. <target> obtains an <item>.
377 <actor> uses an <item>. <target> obtains <item>.
378 <actor> uses an <item>. <target>'s <status> effect disappears!
379 <actor> uses <ability>. Magic Burst! <target> takes <number> points of damage.
380 Your ?Unknown Parameter (Type: B0) 0? modification has risen to level <number>.
381 Your ?Unknown Parameter (Type: B0) 0? modification has dropped to level <number>.
382 <actor>'s ranged attack hits <target>. <target> recovers <number> hit points!
383 <target>'s spikes restore <number> HP to <actor>.
384 Additional effect: <target> recovers <number> HP.
385 Skillchain: Light. <target> recovers <number> hit points!
386 Skillchain: Darkness. <target> recovers <number> hit points!
387 Skillchain: Gravitation. <target> recovers <number> hit points!
388 Skillchain: Fragmentation. <target> recovers <number> hit points!
389 Skillchain: Distortion. <target> recovers <number> hit points!
390 Skillchain: Fusion. <target> recovers <number> hit points!
391 Skillchain: Compression. <target> recovers <number> hit points!
392 Skillchain: Liquefaction. <target> recovers <number> hit points!
393 Skillchain: Induration. <target> recovers <number> hit points!
394 Skillchain: Reverberation. <target> recovers <number> hit points!
395 Skillchain: Transfixion. <target> recovers <number> hit points!
396 Skillchain: Scission. <target> recovers <number> hit points!
397 Skillchain: Detonation. <target> recovers <number> hit points!
398 Skillchain: Impaction. <target> recovers <number> hit points!
399 <actor> uses an <item>. All of <target>'s Petras vanish!
400 <actor> uses an <item>. <number> of <target>'s status ailments disappears!
401 <actor> uses an <item>. <number> of <target>'s effects disappears!
402 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <target>'s magic defense is enhanced.
403 <number> of <target>'s attributes is drained.
404 <number> status effect is drained from <target>.
405 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <number> of <target>'s effects disappears!
406 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <target> falls to the ground.
407 <actor> uses an <item>. <target>'s TP is reduced.
408 <actor> uses an <item>. No effect on <target>.
409 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <target>'s TP is increased to <number>.
410 No target available. Unable to use item.
411 <actor> attempts to use the <item>, but lacks the required number of Ballista Points. You currently have <number> Ballista points.
412 <actor> uses an <item>. <target> receives the effect of <status>.
413 <actor> uses an <item>. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
414 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> receives the effect of Magic Attack Boost and Magic Defense Boost.
415 <target> receives the effect of Magic Attack Boost and Magic Defense Boost.
416 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <target> receives the effect of Magic Attack Boost and Magic Defense Boost.
417 <actor> uses <ability>. <number> of <target>'s attributes is drained.
418 <actor> uses <weapon_skill> on <target>. <target>'s target switches to <actor>!
419 <target> learns <spell>!
420 <actor> uses <ability>. The total comes to <number>! <target> receives the effect of <ability>.
421 <target> receives the effect of <ability>.
422 <actor> uses <ability>. The total comes to <number>! No effect on <target>.
423 No effect on <target>.
424 <actor> uses Double-Up. The total for <ability> increases to <number>! <target> receives the effect of <ability>.
425 <actor> uses Double-Up. The total for <ability> increases to <number>! No effect on <target>.
426 <actor> uses Double-Up. Bust! <target> loses the effect of <ability>.
427 <target> loses the effect of <ability>.
428 There are no rolls eligible for Double-Up. Unable to use ability.
429 The same roll is already active on <actor>.
430 <actor> casts <spell>. 1 of <target>'s attributes is drained.
431 <actor> casts <spell>. <target>'s TP is reduced.
432 <actor> casts <spell>. <target> receives the effect of Accuracy Boost and Evasion Boost.
433 <actor> casts <spell>. <target> receives the effect of Magic Attack Boost and Magic Defense Boost.
434 You cannot customize an activated automaton.
435 <actor> uses <ability>! <target>'s abilities are recharged.
436 <target>'s abilities are recharged.
437 <actor> uses <ability>! <target>'s abilities are recharged. <target>'s TP is increased.
438 <target>'s abilities are recharged. <target>'s TP is increased.
439 <actor> uses <ability>! All of <target>'s abilities are recharged. <target> regains MP.
440 All of <target>'s abilities are recharged. <target> regains MP.
441 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> receives the effect of <ability>.
442 <actor> learns a new ability!
443 You cannot learn <ability>. You do not meet the job or level requirements.
444 You already know <ability>.
445 You cannot use items at this time.
446 You cannot attack that target.
447 You are provoked and unable to change your target.
448 Time allowed in Dynamis has been extended by <number> minute.
449 %%---%%== WARNING ==%%----%% Time remaining in Dynamis: <number> minute.
450 WATCH<number> <target>:<number>
451 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> regains <number> MP.
452 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> regains <number> TP.
453 <actor> uses <ability>. <actor> steals the effect of <status> from <target>.
454 <actor> casts <spell>. <number> TP drained from <target>.
455 Debug : Fishing skill check: <item> : 難易度<number>
456 Debug : Level Restriction on. PetType <number>/ID <number>
457 Debug : Level restriction off. PetType <number>/ID <number>
458 Debug : Dif - Now > <number> RATE <number>/10
459 Self-destruct check: skipping calculation of <target>'s self-destruct process md_no<number>/cmd_arg<number>!
460 EXP Check: <actor> > <target> XP:<number>/LvUp<number>
461 <target>:STR <number>/<number>
462 <target>:DEX <number>/<number>
463 <target>:VIT <number>/<number>
464 <target>:AGI <number>/<number>
465 <target>:INT <number>/<number>
466 <target>:MND <number>/<number>
467 <target>:CHR <number>/<number>
468 Wyvern: JobLv<<number>> TaskLv<<number>>
469 ID: Master<<number>> Pet<<number>>
470 Wyvern routine type: Master<<number>> Pet<<number>>
471 Avatar type: Master<<number>> Pet<<number>>
472 Avatar MP: Master<<number>> Pet<<number>>
473 Avatar HP: Master<<number>> Pet<<number>>
474 Avatar level: Master<<number>> Pet<<number>>
475 Avatar No.: Master<<number>> Pet<<number>>
476 Probability of <target> dropping <item>: <number>/10
477 Unable to target <target>. You have not received the level cap status.
478 Height differential between <actor> and <target>: <number>mm.
479 Damage taken.
480 Number of Targets (<number>) Damage (<number>)
481 Overall: Number of Attacks (<number>) Misses (<number>)
482 Number of Targets (<number>) Damage (<number>)
483 Ranged Attack: Number of Attacks (<number>) Misses (<number>)
484 Number of Targets (<number>) Damage (<number>)
485 JA: Number of Attacks (<number>) Misses (<number>)
486 Number of Targets (<number>) Damage (<number>)
487 Weapon Skill: Number of Attacks (<number>) Misses (<number>)
488 Number of Targets (<number>) Damage(<number>)
489 Spell: Number of Attacks (<number>) Misses (<number>)
490 Number of Targets (<number>) Damage(<number>)
491 AA: Number of Attacks (<number>) Misses (<number>)
492 Time: <number>
493 <actor>'s log
494 揮発キャップ:<number> 蓄積キャップ:<number>
495 <actor>の生産:<skill>>成功確率<number>%
496 <actor>の生産:<skill>>スキル上昇<number>%
497 楽器ボーナス<actor> : 効果+<number>/時間+<number>%
498 だまし討ち <actor> > <target>
499 Hate : <actor>><target> <number>/<number>
500 バグ報告to松井 <actor>:CODE <number>/<number>
501 StatusGet(<target>:<number>/<number>)
502 StatusSet(<target>:<number>/<number>)
503 <target>: Skillchain Element <number>(<number>)
504 <target>:経験値チェーンボーナス(<number>チェーン、<number>%)
505 <target>:同盟キャンペーン(<number>)。敵国支配地域(<number>)。
506 <target>:同盟キャンペーン(<number>)。友軍支配地域(<number>)。
507 <target>:選択されたセット番号=<number>/生産個数ランダム分=<number>
508 <target>:詠唱中断確率<number>%,PS<number>
509 <target>:< <number>/<number> >
510 DEBUG:<target>><skill> = <number>%
511 DEBUG:<target>><number>%の成功確率(<number>)。
512 You must have a two-handed weapon equipped in the main weapon slot in order to equip a grip.
513 This grip is not compatible with the two-handed weapon you currently have equipped.
514 You do not have the proper items equipped to use the <item>.
515 <actor> has successfully recorded the target's image onto an <item>.
516 <actor> was unable to capture the target's image.
517 The <item> cannot be used on that target.
518 The <item> cannot be used while under the effect of Invisible or Sneak.
519 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> is afflicted with Lethargic Daze (lv.<number>).
520 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> is afflicted with Sluggish Daze (lv.<number>).
521 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> is afflicted with Weakened Daze (lv.<number>).
522 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> takes <number> points of damage and is stunned.
523 The same effect is already active on <actor>.
524 You have not earned enough finishing moves to perform that action.
525 <ability> can only be performed during battle.
526 <actor> uses <ability>. Enmity is stolen from <target>.
527 <actor> uses <ability>. Ranged attack power and speed are increased. Melee attack power and speed are reduced.
528 <actor> uses <ability>. Enmity is transferred to <actor>'s pet.
529 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> is chainbound.
530 <target>'s petrification counter is now down to <number>.
531 <target> is no longer <status>.
532 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> receives the effect of Sneak and Invisible.
533 <actor> casts <spell>. <target>'s Accuracy is drained.
534 <actor> casts <spell>. <target>'s Attack is drained.
535 <target> retaliates. <number> of <actor>'s shadows absorbs the damage and disappears.
536 <target> retaliates. <actor> takes <number> points of damage.
537 <target>'s TP is increased to <number>%.
538 A protective energy absorbs the malice of your enemy!
539 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <target> regains HP.
540 Level Sync activated. Your level has been restricted to <number>. Equipment affected by the level restriction will be adjusted accordingly. Experience points will become unavailable for all party members should the Level Sync designee stray too far from the enemy.
541 Level Sync could not be activated. The designated player is below level 10.
542 Level Sync could not be activated. The designated player is in a different area.
543 Level Sync could not be activated. One or more party members are currently under the effect of a status which prevents synchronization.
544 Level synchronization will be removed in <number> seconds.
545 No experience points gained... The Level Sync designee is either too far from the enemy, or unconscious.
546 Your <status> effect duration has been extended.
547 This ability can only be used on targets under the effect of a helix.
548 The party member you have selected is incapable of receiving experience points, and as such cannot be a Level Sync designee.
549 No experience points gained... The Level Sync designee is incapable of receiving experience points.
550 Level Sync will be deactivated in <number> seconds. One or more party members have received the effect of a status which prevents synchronization.
551 Level Sync will be deactivated in <number> seconds. The party leader or the Level Sync designee has left the area.
552 Level Sync will be deactivated in <number> seconds. Less than two party members fulfill the requirements for Level Sync.
553 Level Sync will be deactivated in <number> seconds. The party leader has removed synchronization, or the Level Sync designee has left the party.
554 Level Sync will be deactivated in <number> seconds. The Level Sync designee has fallen below level 10.
555 Level Sync will be deactivated in <number> seconds. A party member has undergone a job change.
556 Level Sync will be deactivated in <number> seconds. The Level Sync designee is incapable of receiving experience points.
557 <target> receives <number> piece of alexandrite.
558 You defeated a designated target. (Progress: <number>/<number>)
559 You have successfully completed the training regime.
560 <actor> uses <ability>. Finishing move now <number>.
561 Unable to perform that action. Your have already earned the maximum number of finishing moves.
562 The status parameters of <target> have increased.
563 <actor> destroys <target>.
564 <target> were destroyed.
565 <target> obtains <gil>.
566 <target> obtains <number> tab. (Total: <number>)
567 <actor> stowed away an <item> in ?Unknown Parameter (Type: 90) 91?his/her] tattered Maze Monger pouch.
568 Your tattered Maze Monger pouch already contains an <item> and cannot hold another.
569 Your current status prevents you from using that ability.
570 <actor> casts <spell>. <number> of <target>'s status ailments disappears!
571 <number> of <target>'s status ailments disappears!
572 <actor> casts <spell>. <actor> absorbs <number> of <target>'s status ailments.
573 <actor> or an alliance member is participating in a union. Ineligible to obtain treasure from this enemy.
574 <actor>'s pet is currently unable to perform that action.
575 <actor>'s pet does not have enough TP to perform that action.
576 <actor>'s ranged attack hits <target> squarely for <number> points of damage!
577 <actor>'s ranged attack strikes true, pummeling <target> for <number> points of damage!
578 Hunt objective fulfilled! Please report to a hunt registry to collect your reward.
579 Unable to use the <item>. Party leaders or those not in a party cannot use an <item>.
580 Unable to use the <item>. The party leader is in either an area beyond warping range or a place you have yet to visit.
581 Unable to cast <spell>. Astral Flow must be in effect to cast this spell.
582 <actor> obtains <gil>.
583 Trial <number>: <number> objective remains.
584 You have completed Trial <number>. Report your success to a Magian Moogle.
585 <actor> uses <ability>. <target>'s enmity towards <actor> is <number>%.
586 Towards <target> is <number>%.
587 <target> regains <number> HP.
588 <target> regains <number> MP.
589 <target> have been healed of <number> status ailments.
590 You can now perform <weapon_skill>.
591 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> is afflicted with Bewildered Daze (lv.<number>).
592 <target> attempts to counter <actor>'s attack, but misses.
593 <actor> uses <ability>. <actor> steals an <item> from <target>. Additional effect: <target> is afflicted with Attack Down.
594 <actor> uses <ability>. <actor> steals an <item> from <target>. Additional effect: <target> is afflicted with Defense Down.
595 <actor> uses <ability>. <actor> steals an <item> from <target>. Additional effect: <target> is afflicted with Magic Atk. Down.
596 <actor> uses <ability>. <actor> steals an <item> from <target>. Additional effect: <target> is afflicted with Magic Def. Down.
597 <actor> uses <ability>. <actor> steals an <item> from <target>. Additional effect: <target> is afflicted with Evasion Down.
598 <actor> uses <ability>. <actor> steals an <item> from <target>. Additional effect: <target> is afflicted with Accuracy Down.
599 <actor> uses <ability>. <actor> steals an <item> from <target>. Additional effect: <target> is afflicted with Slow.
600 <actor> eats an <item>. <actor> finds an <item> inside!
601 Objective fulfilled! Please report to a Dominion Sergeant to collect your reward.
602 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> receives the effect of <ability>.
603 Additional effect: Treasure Hunter effectiveness against <target> increases to <number>.
604 <actor> eats an <item>, but finds nothing inside...
605 Additional effect: <target> falls to the ground.
606 <actor>'s absorbs <target>'s counter. <actor> recovers <number> HP.
607 <actor> uses <weapon_skill>. <number> of <target>'s status ailments disappears!
608 <actor> uses <ability>. Treasure Hunter effectiveness against <target> increases to <number>.
609 Prowess attained: Increased treasure casket discovery.
610 Prowess attained: Increased combat and magic skill gain.
611 Prowess attained: Increased crystal yield.
612 Prowess attained: Treasure Hunter bonus.
613 Prowess attained: Increased attack speed.
614 Prowess attained: Increased HP and MP.
615 Prowess attained: Enhanced accuracy and ranged accuracy.
616 Prowess attained: Enhanced attack and ranged attack.
617 Prowess attained: Enhanced magic accuracy and magic attack.
618 Prowess attained: Enhanced "Cure" potency.
619 Prowess attained: Increased weapon skill damage.
620 Prowess attained: "Killer" effects bonus.
625 Prowess boosted: Increased treasure casket discovery.
626 Prowess boosted: Increased combat and magic skill gain.
627 Prowess boosted: Increased crystal yield.
628 Prowess boosted: Treasure Hunter bonus.
629 Prowess boosted: Increased attack speed.
630 Prowess boosted: Increased HP and MP.
631 Prowess boosted: Enhanced accuracy and ranged accuracy.
632 Prowess boosted: Enhanced attack and ranged attack.
633 Prowess boosted: Enhanced magic accuracy and magic attack.
634 Prowess boosted: Enhanced "Cure" potency.
635 Prowess boosted: Increased weapon skill damage.
636 Prowess boosted: "Killer" effects bonus.
641 Additional effect: 1 of <target>'s attributes is drained.
642 <actor> casts <spell>. <actor> absorbs <number> of <target>'s status benefits.
643 Your current training regime will begin anew!
644 <actor> uses <ability>. <number> of <target>'s status effects are removed.
645 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> is <status>.
646 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> falls to the ground.
647 <actor> casts <ability>. <target>'s <status> effect disappears!
648 <actor> leads the casting of <spell>. <target> takes <number> points of damage.
649 A member of another party is readying <spell> against your target. You cannot cast the same spell at this time.
650 <actor> leads the casting of <spell>. Magic Burst! <target> takes <number> points of damage.
651 <actor> leads the casting of <spell>. <target> recovers <number> hit points!
652 Additional effect: <target> loses <number> TP.
653 <actor> casts <spell>. <target> resists the spell. Immunobreak!
654 <target> resists the spell. Immunobreak!
655 <actor> casts <spell>. <target> completely resists the spell.
656 <target> completely resists the spell.
657 <actor> uses <ability>. All enmity is transferred to <target>.
658 <actor> uses <ability>, but misses <target>.
659 No effect on <target>.
660 The same effect is already active on that luopan!
661 <actor> has already placed a luopan. Unable to use ability.
662 This action requires a luopan.
663 <actor> uses <ability>. The luopan's HP consumption rate has been reduced.
664 <actor> uses <ability>. The effects of the luopan and its HP consumption rate have increased.
665 <actor> has a pet. Unable to use ability.
666 This action requires the ability Rune Enchantment.
667 <actor> uses <ability>. Accuracy and evasion are enhanced.
668 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> receives the effect of Vallation, reducing damage taken from certain elemental magic spells.
669 Magic damage of a certain element is reduced for <target>.
670 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> can now absorb magic damage of a certain element.
671 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> now has enhanced resistance.
672 <actor> uses <ability>. <target> receives the effect of Gambit, reducing defense against magic of a certain element.
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