Learning Plan - WinEga/JAVAPlayground GitHub Wiki
Quick Team intro and kick start :green_apple:
- Setting up the agenda and expectations
- Github and branching concepts with few examples then start with Day 1's topics
Day 1:
- How Java Works? JVM, JRE and JDK
- Variable examples
- Primitive Data Type
- Naming Convention
- Arithmetic Operators
- If Else # Selection Statement
- Ternary & Switch Selection Statement
Day 2:
- How to create branch in GitHub? and push into Git repo
- Class and Object
- Constructor Example
- This keyword
- Push the code and create pull request in GitHub
- Merge the changes into master branch
Day 3:
- Method and Constructor Overloading
- Static Keyword
- Inner Class
- Array 1D # 2D # Jagged Array