Tiers - Wilyicaro/BetterFurnacesReforged GitHub Wiki

The base mod primarily consists of new 5 tiers of furnaces

2- Iron 1.33x more faster than vanilla furnace

4- Gold 2x more faster than vanilla furnace

6- Diamond 4x more faster than vanilla furnace

8- Netherhot 25x more faster than vanilla furnace

9- Extreme 50x more faster than vanilla furnace

The addon Ultimate Furnaces has 5 tiers of furnaces

1- Copper 1.14x more faster than vanilla furnace

3- Steel 1.6x more faster than vanilla furnace

5- Amethyst 2.7x more faster than vanilla furnace

7- Platinum 8x more faster than vanilla furnace

10- Ultimate 200x more faster than vanilla furnace