Basics - Wilyicaro/BetterFurnacesReforged GitHub Wiki

The furnaces added by the mod have an interface similar to vanilla, but without the recipe book and with 3 additional slots, which are only used to place the mod's upgrades. Its basic usage is pretty much the same, except for having to look at recipes in mods like Just Enough Items or in vanilla furnaces.

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The forges added by the mod and its Ultimate furnaces addon are basically furnaces with 3 input slots and 3 output slots, with a slightly different usage and more complex interface. The 7 slots on the top interface are for placing upgrades, the central one is for heating upgrades only and the rest has the same use as the furnaces. All three input slots use the same processing bar and spend the same time of their respective furnace tier, and consume the same amount of fuel regardless of whether these slots are used.

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