Plugins - Willsr71/Jarvis GitHub Wiki

Creating Plugins

You need a base class that extends Module.class and a plugin.json file


repositories {
  maven { url "" }

dependencies {
  compile "sr.will:jarvis:1.0-71"

Module Class

public class ExampleModule extends Module {

  // Called when the plugin is first loaded
  // Used for setting required permissions, registering event handlers, and registering commands
  public void initialize() {
    // Sets the permissions that the plugin needs, this is used to aggregate permissions for invite links

    // Sets whether the plugin should be enabled by default for new guilds

    // Register our event handler
    registerEventHandler(new ExampleEventHandler(this));

    // Register our command and what it should be called with
    registerCommand("example", new ExampleCommand(this));

  // Called after the database is initialized and discord is connected
  public void finishStartup() {


  // Called when the plugin is about to be stopped or unloaded
  public void stop() {


  // Called when Jarvis is reloaded
  public void reload() {


public class ExampleCommand extends Command {

  public ExampleCommand(ExampleModule module) {
    // Pass command information to superclass
      "example", // Command name, what should trigger this command. In this case !example
      "example <user mention>", // Command usage
      "Displays an example that mentions the specified user", // Command description
      module // Module that this command is from

  // The method called when the command is run
  // Message is the message that the command was called from
  // Args is the message string spliterated
  public void execute(Message message, String... args) {
    // Process the command

public ExampleEventHandler extends EventHandler {

  public ExampleEventHandler(ExampleModule module) {
    // Pass event handler information to superclass
      module, // Module the handler is from
      EventPriority.MEDIUM // Event priority. The higher the priority, the sooner it is called

  // This method is called on every discord event
  // Event is the JDA event class
  public void onEvent(Event event) {
    // Process the event


  "name": "ExamplePlugin",
  "main": "com.example.plugin",
  "version": "1.0",
  "description": "An Example Plugin",
  "author": "Me",
  "website": ""