Advanced Combat Mechanics - Wildlander-mod/Support GitHub Wiki

This Page was intended to be a reference guide to enable the player to be able to work out how the heck to kill some things in wildlander. It Kinda grew from there to include all sorts of reference materiel from Requiem so that players wouldnt have to go look up a billion & one perks, spells and the like to work out what the enemies were shooting at them.

This guide is broken up into several sections - The resistances used by enemies and, how those resistances are applied. The diseases that enemies carry, the weapons and damage types and the like. Bandits / Mages / Forsworn / Necromancers will not be covered in the guide (with the exception to the Named Unique bosses) as there are far to many varieties to list, all of which have different perks, weapons, armor. The next section contains reference material to identify weaknesses of the armor specific human type enemies can do and the weapons they use.

Vampires Will be covered, but not in-depth as like bandits they have a lot of variations of Armor, weapons and base stats.

Ghosts and Dragur will only be in summary form for the various types. They will not have detailed breakdowns as various types of these NPC all look the same, but have differing stats.

The final section of this page contains links to the various enemy types in the game, broken by their type.

Mass Effect

The weight of your currently equipped gear has a significant impact on many things you do. It affects mobility, spellcasting and combat effectiveness. (Requiem manual p122 Located in Mods\Requiem \Documentation)

Mass effect isn't directly linked to the type of armor you are wearing, but rather its weight. Your weapon is also taken in account.

What you need to remember :

High mass (wearing HA most of the time) cons :

  • Less movement speed
  • Higher casting cost
  • Higher stamina cost for attack
  • noise, it makes sneaking harder (but not impossible)

High mass pros :

  • better resistance to stagger and knockback effect
  • better chance to trigger stagger and knockback effect on enemies. Bullrushing mechanics is your friend.
  • high level of AR ('cause you are wearing heavier armor)

Resistances List

List of basic resistances used in Skyrim.

Type Cap
Damage (Armor Rating) 80%
Poison 90%
Fire 90%
Frost 90%
Shock 90%
Magic 90%

About AR (Armor Resistance) Values

  • 1 point reduces incoming physical damage by 0.1%. So 800 AR will reach the 80% cap when not considering Armor Penetration.
  • 1 point of Armor Penetration (AP) effectively reduces target AR by 1%. This means striking target with 500 AR with 10 AP makes the effective AR 450, making the target take 45% reduced damage not 50%.
  • The AR cap applies after applying AP.

About AP (Armor Penetration) Values Melee attacks and ranged attacks can penetrate armor, which reduces the effective armor rating and thus damage reduction of the target.

  • Per point of armor penetration will bypass 1% of the target's armor rating with ranged attacks and melee power attacks. Standard melee attacks will bypass 0.5% of the target's armor rating per point of armor penetration. The maximum which can be bypassed at most 80% of the target's armor rating.

  • In ranged combat the ammunition used plays a key role for armor penetration. You can see the arrow guide here

About Magic/Elemental Resistances Values.

  • Magic Resistance protects against all magic damage including elemental magic such as fire, frost and Shock .
  • The effect of magic resistance is multiplicative when combined with elemental resistance. Let's say you have 90% magic and fire resist. This will mean that you only receive (100%-90%) * (100%-90%)= (10% * 10%) = 1% fire damage, which is equal to 99% fire resistance. This also means that your effective resistences raises exponentialy as your resistance %'s become higher.
  • Magic resistance protects you from Shouts, Fears and other none elemental spells E.g those in the illusion tree.
  • Unlike Vanilla, NPC's can have both elemental resistance and magic resistances.


Name What it does Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Carriers
Ataxia Picking locks and picking pockets is {mag}% harder. 10 25 50 Skeevers
Black Heart Blight Carry Weight is reduced by {mag} points. 10 10 10 Ash Spawn
Bone Break Fever Stamina is reduced by {mag} points. 10 25 50 Bears
Brain Rot Magicka is reduced by {mag} points 10 25 50 Hagravens
Chills Health regeneration is reduced by {mag}% 10 25 50 Frostbite Spiders, Dogs and Deathhounds
Damp worms Speed is reduced by {mag}%. 10 25 50 Falmer
Droops Melee weapons are {mag}% less effective. 10 25 50 Ash Hoppers & Scribs
Feeble Limb Blocking is {mag} less effective. 10 25 50 Wolves & Bears
Rattles Stamina regeneration is reduced by {mag}%. 10 25 50 Chaurus
Rock Joint You are {mag}% less effective with melee weapons 10 25 50 Foxes & Wolves
Shakes Archery is {mag}% less effective. 10 25 50 Skeevers
Sanguine Vampiris This vile miasma rots your body, negating restorative power. Healing potions are still effective, but unless the malediction is cleansed within three days, the victim will become a vampire. Constant Health Drain for 3 days N/A N/A Vampires Drain life spell, Vampire dust
Wit Bane Magicka regeneration is reduced by {mag}%. 10 25 50 Sabrecats
Wither Armor rating reduced by {mag} points. 50 100 150 Sabrecats

Damage Types

Damage Types implemented by Requiem. Weapons are assigned one damage type, and Creatures are Sometimes given extra Damage Type Resistances that function as extra Armor Rating against each damage types.

Type Default Source
Slashing Sword, War Axe, Greatsword, Battleaxe
Blunt Mace, Warhammer
Pierce Dagger
Ranged Bow, Crossbow
Rank Bonus Armor
1 60
2 120
3 180
4 240
5 300

Humanoid Enemies

For enemies wearing standard armor, and therefore with standard resistances you can check the armor guide here

For enemies weapons and arrows you can check the weapon guide here

For the Afflicted, the only difference between a Bandit and them is the addition of the Poisonous Breath ability - This brutally painful poison deals 50 damage for 2 seconds.

About these Guides

Varients Level/Health/Stamina/Magic if the creature comes in different sizes but same base creature.

Basic Stats Movement Speed, Melee/Ranged damage or spells that the Enemy can cast, Standard armor, Magical armor, Enemy ability to penetrate your armor, If its has health regenation, diseases or can knock the player down.

Weapon Protection Bonus armor that the Enemy gains if attacked by weapon damage types.

Resistances & Weaknesses If the Enemy has protection or vunerability to Fire/Frost/Shock/Poison, If the Enemy has Knockdown, Sneak Attack or Paralysis protection, and if the enemy has any additional protections - E.g Drain life, Unrelenting force.

Materiel Protection If the Enemy has protection or vunerability to Weapon materiels such as Silver or Daedric, or if they take reduced damage from converntional materiels.

Weapon Resistances If the Enemy has protection from Damage types, will also contain damage reduction by type.

Additional Perks Any aditional perks that the Enemy may have which affects gameplay.

The Guides

Animals – Animals comprise various mundane creatures that have no magical or weapon-wielding abilities.

    Ash Hopper • Bear • Bristleback • Chicken • Cow • Deer • Dog • Elk • Fox • Goat • Husky •  Horker • Horse 
    • Mammoth • Mudcrab  Rabbit • Sabre Cat • Skeever • Slaughterfish • Wolf

Monsters – Monsters are creatures with various magical abilities, ranging from magical attacks to various magical resistances.

         Chaurus • Falmer •  Frostbite Spider • Giant • Hagraven • Ice Wraith 
         • Magic Anomaly • Netch • Riekling • Spiders • Spriggan • Troll • Werewolf • WereBear • Wisp • Wispmother

Automations – Dwarven Automatons are ancient, robot-like machines encountered in Dwarven Ruins.

        Dwarven Ballista • Dwarven Centurion • Dwarven Sphere • Dwarven Spider • Enchanted Sphere •  Forgemaster

Daedra – Daedra are creatures from the planes of Oblivion.

        Ash Guardian • Flame Atronach • Frost Atronach • Lurker • Seeker • Storm Atronach • The Slighted • Dremora

Dragons – Dragons (drah-gkon and dov-rha to the ancient Nords, or dov in their native language) are large flying reptilian creatures that are encountered in Skyrim. .

        Fire • Fire Spectral Dragon •  Ice • Poison • Skeletal • Serpantine • Durnehviir • Paarthurnax 
        • Vulthuryol  • Krosulhah • Naaslaarum • Sahrotaar • Voslaarum         

Undead – Undead creatures consist of spirits, reanimated skeletons, and reanimated corpses.

        Ash Spawn • Dragon Priest • Draugr • Gargoyles • Ghost • Shades • Skeleton • Vampires       

Unique and Named creature – The various Named Unique Enemies found in Requiems world

Bosses – The Bosses