Static content - WilStead/VueCoreFramework GitHub Wiki

In addition to dynamically bound Entity Framework data classes, it is almost certain that you will need to provide at least some custom content on your site. Although you are certainly free to rewrite the project in whatever way you see fit to incorporate your own content, what follows is a set of recommended ways to add to the site using the existing framework.

Extra content for your data

If you have content which belongs thematically with one of your data classes, use the DashboardTableContent or DashboardFormContent Attributes to indicate a Vue component which should appear above data tables or forms (or both, if you set them to the same path). This can contain whatever content you wish, even a complex page with nested components, controls, and so forth.

Other content

If you add other Vue components, you will need to add router links in the routes object in ClientApp/router.ts (see vue-router's documentation for more information). You will probably also wish to add entries to the menu for any top-level entry-points to your content.