Email - WilStead/VueCoreFramework GitHub Wiki

VueCoreFramework uses email for a variety of user-validation tasks (e.g. confirming an email address when a user registers). If you intend to use this system as-is, there are a number of settings you will need to customize in order to make it work. Most of these are found in appsettings.json under the "AuthMessageSender" key (docs).

Services.AuthMessageSenderOptions.cs is an Options configuration object with documentation of each member, if you need any explanation of what each key is for.

There is also one setting which is expected to be stored in app secrets (see Building the project for more info).

If you do not wish to configure VueCoreFramework to use email in this way, you should open Services.IEmailSender.cs and search for all references to SendEmailAsync to find the places where you will need to change the project's code.