Plaph - WhirligigGirl/Whirligig-World GitHub Wiki

Name: Plaph

Designation: Kaywell Af IV

Discovery: Direct Imaging

Plaph is the second minor inner moon of Valyr, discovered alongside Denna by Chriswayan Kerman. In culinary science, Plaph is a special way of cooking a potato, which involves peeling it in a vacuum and then boiling it in high pressure alcohol. Mixing the resulting mush with copious amounts of sugar, freeze-drying it, and shredding it into thin pieces results in a very well known snack treat called a Plaphoglin. For more information, contact the Mesbin Gastronomical Society.

Physical Properties

  • Diameter = 12,000 m x 10,000 m x 9,000 m
  • Polar radius = 4,500 m
  • Mass = 1.341 × 10^16 kg
  • Surface Gravity = 0.0045
  • Density = 3.8 * 10 g/cm^3
  • Rotation Period = 39817.28 seconds (11 hours 3 minutes 37 seconds)

Orbital Properties

  • Parent Body = Valyr
  • Semi Major Axis = 10,385,280 meters
  • Period = 39817.28 seconds (11 hours 3 minutes 37 seconds)
  • Eccentricity = 0.03
  • Inclination = 0.001°
  • Mean Anomaly At Epoch = 227°
  • Argument of Periapsis = 42°
  • Longitude of Ascending Node = 57°