Planet Template - WhirligigGirl/Whirligig-World GitHub Wiki
[IMAGE OF THE PLANET HERE. Use a pic showing the whole system if possible.]
Short caption for image
Name: Name.
description text from WhirligigWorld/KopernicusFiles/System/00-System/Descriptions.cfg
Physical Properties
- Radius = Radius in meters.
- Mass = Mass in kg.
- Surface Gravity = Gravity in Gee.
- Albedo = (If applicable)
- Rotation Period = In seconds.
Orbital Properties
- Parent Body = Parent
- Semi Major Axis = In meters. (In kau--1/10th of an au)
- Orbital Period = In Earth days, Earth hours, or Earth seconds.
- Eccentricity = Ecc.
- Inclination = In degrees
- Mean Anomaly At Epoch = In Degrees
- Argument of Periapsis = In Degrees
- Longitude of Ascending Node = In Degrees
Atmospheric Properties
(If applicable)
Description of atmosphere from config file
- Compounds found in config file or science definitions. %
- Compound %
- Compound %
- Pressure: In atm
- Greenhouse Effect: Celsius
- Temperature ASL: Celsius
- Atmosphere Limit: in meters.
- Moon_1
- Moon_2
- Moon_3