Outdated Loading Screen Art - WhirligigGirl/Whirligig-World GitHub Wiki
As of v0.13.0, Pythania's artwork is no longer included in Whirligig World.
The beautiful artwork of Pythania, known on reddit as /u/BradleyTheRadley, is used in Whirligig World's loading screens. Here's the original versions for use as desktop backgrounds, or just to admire or reference.
A group of spelunkers explore a cave and discover that Mesbin can be quite toasty on the inside when it wants to.
Mandrake and Rutherford in the Donklan Equatorial Observatory, holding models of the planets that bear their names.
A view of the farming complex of Podbaston City, one of the colonies of the Southern Socialist States of Mesbin. Under 5 gees of gravity, Kerbals must use all of their limbs to stand.
Kerbals view an old Space Program propaganda poster, hung up in an art installation.
Valentina and Bill paraglide over Lowel
Valentina, Bob, and Virmund resting on Kerbmun's shore, at what would later become known as "Melp Base"