Lito - WhirligigGirl/Whirligig-World GitHub Wiki

Reander and its moons

Reander's moons. Closest to Reander on the left is Lito.

Name: Lito

Lito is Reander's largest satellite, and the second largest satellite in the Kaywellian System (not counting Rutherford). It is easily seen through telescopes as a disk nearby the disk of Reander, and can be observed to transit Reander. Lito is close enough to Reander that despite its relatively minuscule mass, it tidally locks Reander to itself and causes noticeable wobble in the giant planet. Lito is a pale brown color, which could imply a rocky composition, but it could also be due to dark carbon compounds and space-weathering of the ice. Some astronomers have suggested that Lito and Reander could share the same atmospheric composition due to their proximity, others point out that Lito is not massive enough to hold onto a hydrogen-dominated atmosphere.

Lito has a density of 3.5 g/cm^3, and is composed almost entirely out of H2O Water Ice--internal gravitational compression crushes the insides of the planet so as to be much denser than the ~1 g/cm^3 that it should have. Lito has a small rocky core, surrounded by a mantle of red-hot ice under immense pressure, which is surrounded by a vast internal ocean, and a thick solid icy crust. There is some crovolcanic and cryotectonic activity at the surface, producing some of the weird mountainous terrain.

Physical Properties

  • Radius = 741,000 meters. 0.1163 Earth Radii. 1.235 Kerbin Radii.
  • Mass = 5.962 x 10^22 kg. 0.009983 Earth Masses. 1.1267 Kerbin Masses.
  • Surface Gravity = 0.739 Gee
  • Albedo = 0.43
  • Density = 3.5 * 10 g/cm^3
  • Rotation Period = 15,207.65201 seconds. (4 hours, 13 minutes, 27.7 seconds)

Orbital Properties

  • Parent Body = Reander
  • Semi Major Axis = 18,699,170.6 meters. (2.735 Reander Radii)
  • Orbital Period = 15,207.65201 seconds. (4 hours, 13 minutes, 27.7 seconds)
  • Eccentricity = 0.0001
  • Inclination = 0.1°
  • Argument of Periapsis = 178°
  • Longitude of Ascending Node = 321°
  • Mean Anomaly At Epoch = 37°

Lito is tidally locked to Reander, and Reander reciprocates that tidal lock.

Atmospheric Properties

A thinnish atmosphere with a purple tint, from some unknown photochemical haze, perhaps a deep red organic compound mixing with the dark rayleigh-blue. Wisps of lavender clouds occasionally grace the skies.


  • Nitrogen 89%
  • Methane 6.9%
  • Ammonia 3%
  • Hydrogen 1%
  • Water 0.1%


  • Pressure: 0.24 atm
  • Temperature ASL: -147.7° Celsius (167 Kelvins, -159.07° Fahrenheit)
  • Atmosphere Limit: 57,000 meters.