Kronometer Support - WhirligigGirl/Whirligig-World GitHub Wiki
Whirligig World contains eight patches for Kronometer to add a custom clock system to the game's timer and date displays, with four variants.
The Kronometer Mode can be switched in the file GameData/WhirligigWorld/Settings.cfg
- MesbinKerbin
- MesbinEarth
- MesbinClassic
- Mesbin-28
- Kerbmun
- RSS-Scale Modes
- RSSMesbin
- RSSMesbin-90
- RSSKerbmun
- TATS-Scale Modes
- TATSMesbin
- TATSMesbin-45
- TATSKerbmun
(Kerbalized Mesbin Time)
This is the default mode and is most like the 6-hour stock clock. Its relationship with the astronomical mesbin day is more tenuous than the classic version, and the second length is a little too long compared to the earth-second, but it preserves the number of seconds per day.
The fundamental unit of time, equivalent to the day, is the FORTNIGHT. There are 14 Mesbin Rotation Periods per fortnight. The fortnight is divided into 6 HOURS, which is divided into 60 MINUTES, and then again into 60 SECONDS
There are 563.894804 fortnights in a Year, which is the 155 earth-day-long sidereal orbital period of Mesbin.
If the year ends halfway through a day, the clock will go:
Year 1 fortnights 563 ==> Year 2 fortnights 0 (Instead of starting directly with Day 1).
Day 0 will last until fortnights 563 would have ended, then fortnights 1 will start.
So in short: 564 fortnights per orbit. 6 hours per fortnight. 60 minutes per hour. 60 seconds per minute.
Or in real time:
- Second: 1.0125 seconds
- Minute: 66.15 seconds
- Hour: 3969 seconds
- Fortnight: 23814 seconds
- Year: 13428590.860414151 seconds
(Greenwich Mesbin Time)
This mode is most like the real world clock and is most intuitive for real world timing. Its relationship with the astronomical Mesbin day is more tenuous than the classic version, and the second length is a little too short compared to the earth-second, but it preserves the number of seconds per day.
The fundamental unit of time, equivalent to the day, is the FIFTYNIGHT, abbreviated with the roman numeral L (and sometimes just called "Fiddy"). There are 50 Mesbin-rotation-periods within each fiftynight. The Fiftynight is divided into 24 HOURS, which is divided into 60 MINUTES, which is divided into 60 SECONDS. There are 157.890545 Fiftynights in a Mesbin-Year. (The sidereal orbital period of Mesbin)
If the year ends halfway through a day, the clock will go:
Year 1 Fiftynight 157 ==> Year 2 Fiftynight 0 (Instead of starting directly with Fiftynight 1).
Fiftynight 0 will last until Fiftynight 157 would have ended, then Fiftynight 1 will start.
So in short: 158 Fiftynights per Year. 24 Hours per Fiftynight. 60 Minutes per Hour. 60 Seconds per Minute.
Or in real time:
- Second: 0.984375 seconds
- Minute: 59.0625 seconds
- Hour: 3543.75 seconds
- Fiftynight: 85050 seconds
- Year: 13428590.860414151 seconds.
(Mesbin Astronomical Clock)
This is the original classic clock. It is great in-universe because it is tied to the day of Mesbin. But its flawed in that the only way to get the smallest unit to equal a second was the have a nonstandard division of the hour.
The fundamental unit of time, equivalent to the hour, is the DAY, the sidereal day of Mesbin, which is equal to exactly 1701 earth seconds or about 28 earth minutes. Each day is divided into 40 equal MOMENTS, and each moment is divided into 40 equal (mesbin-)SECONDS. One mesbin-second is equal to 1.063125 earth-seconds.
There are 14 FORTNIGHTS in a day. That's 6.615 earth/kerbin-Hours. So the equivalent of the "day" length, is not the actual mesbin day, but the fortnight. There are 563.894804 fortnights in an Year, which is the 155 earth-day-long sidereal orbital period of Mesbin.
If the year ends halfway through a day, the clock will go:
Year 1 Fortnight 563 ==> Year 2 Fortnight 0 (Instead of starting directly with Day 1).
Fortnight 0 will last until Fortnight 563 would have ended, then Fortnight 1 will start.
So in short: 564 fortnights per Year. 14 days per fortnight. 40 moments per day. 40 seconds per moment.
Or in real time:
- Second: 1.063125 seconds.
- Moment: 42.525 seconds.
- Day: 1701 seconds.
- Fortnight: 23814 seconds.
- Year: 13428590.860414151 seconds.
A modification of Mesbin-classic to just use normal time units. A 28 minute day with 60 seconds per minute.
The fundamental unit of time, equivalent to the hour, is the DAY, the sidereal day of Mesbin, which is equal to exactly 1701 earth seconds or 28 earth minutes and 21 earth seconds. Each day is split into 28 MINUTES and each minute is split into 60 SECONDS.
There are 14 FORTNIGHTS in a day. That's 6.615 earth/kerbin-Hours. So the equivalent of the "day" length, is not the actual mesbin day, but the fortnight. There are 563.894804 fortnights in an Year, which is the 155 earth-day-long sidereal orbital period of Mesbin.
If the year ends halfway through a day, the clock will go:
Year 1 Fortnight 563 ==> Year 2 Fortnight 0 (Instead of starting directly with Day 1).
Fortnight 0 will last until Fortnight 563 would have ended, then Fortnight 1 will start.
So in short: 564 fortnights per Year. 14 days per fortnight. 28 minutes per day. 60 seconds per minute.
Or in real time:
- Second: 1.01250 seconds.
- Minute: 60.750 seconds.
- Day: 1701 seconds.
- Fortnight: 23814 seconds.
- Year: 13428590.860414151 seconds.
Designed to work well for humans and kerbals to understand while living on the surface of Kerbmun, though it's not a bad clock to use if you're on Mesbin.
The fundamental unit is the (kerbmun-)DAY (abbreviated kD). It is equal to the solar rotation period of Kerbmun. There are 30 HOURS in a day, which are divided into 60 MINUTES, and then further into 60 SECONDS. There are 123.184394 Days in a Year, which is the sidereal orbital period of Mesbin and is equivalent to a "year."
At the end of a day, if there is not enough time left in the year to fit another full day, the current year will end as well, and the new day will be the first day of the next year. This will automatically produce leap years. (Though in a way that is somewhat less generally predictable than a setup with predefined leap days)
So in short: 123 Days per Year. 30 Hours per Day. 60 Minutes per Hour. 60 Seconds per Minute.
Or in real time:
- Second: 1.0093714 seconds
- Minute: 60.5622838 seconds
- Hour: 3633.73703 seconds
- kDay: 109012.111 seconds
- Year: 13428590.860414151 seconds
RSS-Scale Modes:
The following three Kronometer Modes are to be used for playing at Real Solar System scale with Sigma Dimensions, such that:
- Rescale = 10
- Resize = 10
- dayLengthMultiplier = 3.16227766 = Sqrt[10]
- Atmosphere = 1.14285714 (technically you can set atmosphere to whatever you want, but that's the "canonical" value)
If you use other scale factors then these will not work.
A calendar designed for use with units that are SQRT[10] times larger, for playing at 10x stock scale. Like MesbinEarth mode, RSSMesbin is based around nearly human timescales.
The fundamental unit of time, equivalent to the day, is the FORTNIGHT. There are 14 Mesbin Rotation Periods per fortnight. The fortnight is divided into 21 HOURS, which is divided into 60 MINUTES, then again into 60 SECONDS.
There are 563.894804 fortnights in a Year, which is the 491 Earth-Day-Long sidereal orbital period of Mesbin.
If the year ends halfway through a day, the clock will go:
Year 1 fortnights 563 ==> Year 2 fortnights 0 (Instead of starting directly with Day 1).
Day 0 will last until fortnights 563 would have ended, then fortnights 1 will start.
So in short: 564 fortnights per orbit. 21 hours per fortnight. 60 minutes per hour. 60 seconds per minute.
Or in real time:
- Second: 0.996117463 seconds
- Minute: 59.7670478 seconds
- Hour: 3586.02287 seconds
- Fortnight: 75306.4802 seconds
- Year: 42464932.9 seconds
The RSS-scale equivalent to the Mesbin-28 clock, replacing "hours" with "days." The length of the second is almost identical to the length of the RSSMesbin clock.
The fundamental unit of time, equivalent to the hour, is the DAY, the sidereal day of Mesbin, which is equal to approximately 5379.0343 Earth-seconds or 89 Earth-minutes and 39 Earth-seconds. Each day is split into 90 MINUTES and each minute is split into 60 SECONDS. There are 14 FORTNIGHTS in a day. That's 20.92 Earth-hours. So the equivalent of the "day" length is not the actual Mesbin day, but the Fortnight. There are 563.894804 fortnights in an Year, which is the 491 Earth-day-long sidereal orbital period of Mesbin.
If the year ends halfway through a day, the clock will go: Year 1 Fortnight 563 ==> Year 2 Fortnight 0 (Instead of starting directly with Day 1). Fortnight 0 will last until Fortnight 563 would have ended, then Fortnight 1 will start.
So in short: 564 fortnights per year. 14 days per fortnight. 90 minutes per day. 60 seconds per moment.
Or in real time:
- Second: 0.99611746296 seconds
- Minute: 59.7670477778 seconds
- Day: 5379.0343 seconds
- Fortnight: 75306.4802 seconds
- Year: 42464932.9 seconds
A clock designed for playing WW at RSS scale with the Kerbmun Homeworld patch enabled. Time scale is identical to RSSMesbin, and is SQRT10 times longer than stock.
The fundamental unit is the (kerbmun-)DAY (abbreviated kD). It is equal to the solar rotation period of Kerbmun. There are 96 HOURS in a day, which are divided into 60 MINUTES, and then further into 60 SECONDS. There are 123.184394 Days in a Year, which is the sidereal orbital period of Mesbin and is equal to about 491 Earth Days.
At the end of a day, if there is not enough time left in the year to fit another full day, the current year will end as well, and the new day will be the first day of the next year. This will automatically produce leap years. (Though in a way that is somewhat less generally predictable than a setup with predefined leap days)
So in short: 123 Days per Year. 96 Hours per Day. 60 Minutes per Hour. 60 Seconds per Minute.
Or in real time:
- Second: 0.997472693 seconds.
- Minute: 59.8483616 seconds.
- Hour: 3590.90169792 seconds.
- kDay: 344726.563 seconds.
- Year: 42464932.9 seconds.
TATS-Scale Modes:
The TATS-scale, or "Two And Then Some" is a set of scales popular in some subsets of the KSP community. Usually this ranges from about 2.5x to 2.7x, but my patch is set to 2.56x, so that the delta-v scales and orbital/rotation periods will be exactly 1.6x the stock values.
The following three Kronometer Modes are to be used for playing at Real Solar System scale with Sigma Dimensions, such that:
- Rescale = 2.56
- Resize = 2.56
- dayLengthMultiplier = 1.60 = Sqrt[2.56]
If you use other scale factors then these will not work.
A clock designed for use with units that are 1.6 times larger, for playing at 2.56x stock scale. The day length is comparable to what Kerbin's day would be at this scale (which would be 9.6 hours).
The fundamental unit of time, equivalent to the day, is the DOZENIGHT. There are 12 Mesbin Rotation Periods per dozenight. The dozenight is divided into 9 HOURS, which is divided further into 60 MINUTES, then again into 60 SECONDS.
There are 657.877271 dozenights in a YEAR, which is the 786 Earth-Day-Long sidereal orbital period of Mesbin.
If the year ends halfway through a day, the clock will go:
Year 1 dozenight 657 ==> Year 2 dozenights 0 (Instead of starting directly with Day 1).
Day 0 will last until fortnights 657 would have ended, then dozenight 1 will start.
So in short: 657 dozenights per orbit. 9 hours per dozenight. 60 minutes per hour. 60 seconds per minute.
Or in real time:
- second: 1.0080 seconds
- minute: 60.48 seconds
- hour: 3628.8 seconds
- Dozenight: 32659.2 seconds
- Year: 21485745.3766626416 seconds
A modification of TATSMesbin to use the day as the fundamental unit, with 45 minutes in a day.
The fundamental unit of time, equivalent to the hour, is the DAY, the sidereal rotation period of Mesbin, which is equal to exactly 2721.6 earth seconds or 45 earth minutes and 21.6 earth seconds. Each day is split into 45 MINUTES and each minute is split into 60 SECONDS.
There are 14 FORTNIGHTS in a day. That's 10.58 Earth hours. So the equivalent of the "day" length, is not the actual Mesbin day, but the Fortnight. There are 563.894804 fortnights in an Year, which is the 155 earth-day-long sidereal orbital period of Mesbin.
If the year ends halfway through a day, the clock will go: Year 1 Fortnight 563 ==> Year 2 Fortnight 0 (Instead of starting directly with Day 1). Fortnight 0 will last until Fortnight 563 would have ended, then Fortnight 1 will start.
So in short: 564 fortnights per Year. 14 days per fortnight. 45 minutes per day. 60 seconds per minute. Or in real time:
- second: 1.0080 seconds.
- minute: 60.48 seconds.
- day: 2721.6 seconds.
- Fortnight: 38102.4 seconds.
- Year: 21485745.3766626416 seconds.
Designed to work well for humans and kerbals to understand while living on the surface of Kerbmun.
The fundamental unit is the (kerbmun-)DAY (abbreviated kD). It is equal to the rotation period of Kerbmun. There are 48 HOURS in a day, which are 60 MINUTES, and then further into 60 SECONDS. There are 123.184394 Days in a YEAR, which is the sidereal orbital period of Mesbin and is equivalent to a "year."
At the end of a day, if there is not enough time left in the year to fit another full day, the current year will end as well, and the new day will be the first day of the next year. This will automatically produce leap years. (Though in a way that is somewhat less generally predictable than a setup with predefined leap days)
So in short: 123 Days per Year. 48 Hours per Day. 60 Minutes per Hour. 60 Seconds per Minute. Or in real time:
- second: 1.00821483 seconds.
- minute: 60.49289 seconds.
- hour: 3629.5734 seconds.
- Day: 174219.523071 seconds.
- Year: 21485745.3766626416 seconds.