Denna - WhirligigGirl/Whirligig-World GitHub Wiki

Name: Denna

Designation: Kaywell Af III

Discovered (Mesbin): Direct imaging.

Denna is a small inner minor moon of Valyr, discovered by the eccentric astronomer Criswayan Kerman. He is said to have named the small green dot after his young daughter, who was small and green. The fact that Chriswayan Kerman was never known to have had any children, and the fact that Denna is ancient Kerblish for "mucus," is rarely brought up.

Physical Properties

  • Diameter = 10,000 m x 17,000 m.
  • Polar Radius = 5000 m
  • Mass = 2.023 x 10^16 kg.
  • Surface Gravity = 0.0055 G
  • Density = 1.43 * 10 g/cm^3
  • Rotation Period = 20865.97 seconds (5 hours, 47 minutes, 46 seconds)

Orbital Properties

  • Parent Body = Valyr
  • Semi Major Axis = 6,750,400 meters
  • Period = 20865.97 seconds (5 hours, 47 minutes, 46 seconds)
  • Eccentricity = 0.0001
  • Inclination = 0.001°
  • Mean Anomaly At Epoch = 0°
  • Argument of Periapsis = 60°
  • Longitude of Ascending Node = 0°