Commands - WhipDevelopment/CrashClaim GitHub Wiki

These are all the commands currently supported by CrashClaim, along with their permission node and a brief description. Some commands require certain permissions inside the claims. Parameters wrapped in [] are optional, and the command will function the same without them. Parameters wrapped in <> are generally needed for the command to function. Make sure to remove or replace them when executing the commands in-game

  • Users should typically be granted crashclaim.user.*

  • Staff should typically be granted crashclaim.admin.*

  • The crashclaim.sysadmin.* node should only be granted in cases where console execution is not available as commands here can be dangerous to perform.

Command Description Permission
/claim Enables or disables the claiming mode. crashclaim.user.claim
/subclaim Enables and disables the subclaiming mode, needs to be used while standing inside a claim with the proper modify claim permission for the respective claim. crashclaim.user.subclaim
/claims Opens a menu showing all owned claims along with all claims that have granted permission for modification.
/claimsettings Opens the claim settings menu for the claim you are currently standing in. crashclaim.user.claimsettings
/unclaim | /removeclaim Removes the claim you are currently standing in. crashclaim.user.unclaim
/unclaimsubclaim | /removesubclaim Removes the subclaim you are currently standing in. crashclaim.user.unclaimsubclaim
/claimeject <player> | /eject <player> Ejects a player from the claim you are standing in. crashclaim.user.claimeject
/show [claims] Shows all surrounding claims within 6 chunks of the player while executing the command.
/show subclaims Shows all subclaims inside of the claim the player is currently standing in, requires the VIEW_SUBCLAIMS permission inside of the claim.
/hideclaims Stops showing claims if they are currently visible. crashclaim.user.hideclaims
/claiminfo Shows information about the claim you are currently standing in. crashclaim.admin.bypass
/bypassClaims Used for staff to bypass claim permissions in order to remove, or modify claims as needed. crashclaim.admin.bypass
/crashclaim migratedata <migration adapter> Used to select a migrate adapter from an existing claiming plugin. crashclaim.sysadmin.migrate
/crashclaim migratedata [list] Lists all available migration adapters. crashclaim.sysadmin.migrate
/crashclaim migratedata <confirm|cancel> Confirms or cancels a migration that is pending. crashclaim.sysadmin.migrate
/crashclaim reload Reloads config values at runtime. crashclaim.admin.reload
/crashclaim version Displays version information used for debugging and providing support. crashclaim.admin.version
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