Configuration files - Wertzui123/Rewards GitHub Wiki
Rewards currently has 2 config files: config.yml & messages.yml. In the config.yml, you can setup Rewards and edit settings. The messages file contains all messages sent to players by Rewards. I added a lot of comments to the config.yml to help users. I didn't use any comments in the messages file though, because I think it's self-explanatory.
# Don't edit this if you don't know what you're doing
config-version: 4.0
# In which data provider the user data should be stored. If you don't know what that means, don't edit this
data_storage: "JSON" # Providers: JSON, YAML
# Multiple permission groups can be set up to allow certain players to get other rewards than normal players
# If a player has the permission for multiple permission groups, the first group in the list will be their permission group
# 'default' is the default permission group
- vip # players need the permission to get the rewards from this group
# Reward streaks are streakes when you claim your reward multiple times in a row
# Streaks start at 1 when you claim your reward 2 times in the timespan of waiting_time * 2
# E.g. when you have to wait 1 day, you can wait up to 48 hours after you claimed your reward to claim it again to start a streak
reward_streaks: true # false to disable this feature
# The time how long the players have to wait before claiming their rewards again
# The time is in seconds
# 86400 seconds is one day
# Each permissions group has it's own waiting time
default: 86400
vip: 43200
# These are the commands which will be executed if the players get their rewards
# The commands will be executed trough the console
# {player} is the player who claimed his reward, {asplayer} to run the command as the player
# IMPORTANT: Use \" instead of normal quotes
# Each permissions group has it's own commands
# You can set up rewards for different streaks
# The default strike is 0
# Don't forget to setup 'max', which is the highest possible streak
# A missing streak reward will be replaced with the max reward
- "msg {player} You got your reward!"
- "give {player} diamond 1 {display:{Name:\"§r§l§4Reward\"}}"
- "msg {player} You got your reward!"
- "give {player} diamond 2 {display:{Name:\"§r§l§4Reward\"}}"
- "msg {player} You got a vip reward!"
- "give {player} diamond 1 {display:{Name:\"§r§1§4VIP Reward\"}}"
- "msg {player} You got a vip reward!"
- "give {player} diamond 2 {display:{Name:\"§r§1§4VIP Reward\"}}"
# The /reward command
command: "reward"
description: "Claim your daily rewards"
usage: "/reward"
aliases: ["rewards", "claimreward"]
runIngame: "§cPlease run this command ingame!"
noPermission: "§cYou don't have the permission to use this command!"
wait: "§cYou have to wait §e{hours} hours, {minutes} minutes and {seconds} seconds §cuntil you can claim your rewards again."
success: "§aYou got your daily reward!"
streak: "§aYou now have a reward streak of §e{streak}§a."