Config files - WerthPADOH/DHI-trial GitHub Wiki

By using a relative file path, "config files" are easy:

  1. In the project's base directory, create a single SAS program (e.g., "") that runs all the necessary parts of the project (this is good practice, anyway).
  2. In the same directory, create another file (e.g., "") that saves environmental variables and sensitive information as macro variables.
  3. In the "master" program, paste the change_directory_if_gui macro. Then use %INCLUDE "" to read in the configuration variables.
  4. Use the config variables throughout the project's code. Also, describe in detail what the config file should define (either in the master program, the README, or some other documentation),
  5. In the .gitignore file (make one if there isn't one), include the line: This way, people won't accidentally add their configuration files to the repository.


Contents of the config program:

%Let secure_path = path/to/directory;
%Let username = jdoe;
%Let password = 123abc;

Contents of the master program:

Runs everything
Variables from
    - secure_path
    - username
    - password
%MACRO change_directory_if_gui;
        %Let execpath = %sysget(SAS_EXECFILEPATH);
        %If %length(&execpath.) > 0 %then %do;
                %Let execname = %sysget(SAS_EXECFILENAME);
                %Let execdir_length = %eval(%length(&execpath.) - %length(&execname.) - 1);
                %Let execdir = %substr(&execpath., 1, &execdir_length.);
                DATA _NULL_;
                        rc = system("cd ""&execdir.""");
%Mend change_directory_if_gui;

%Include "";

Line added to .gitignore: