Flood Filters - WelcomeWinters/gershwin GitHub Wiki

Custom Flood Filters

Custom flood filters detect known types of attacks and reject posts accordingly. They are made up of a condition and an action, for when all conditions are met.


These condition names are case-insensitive. All conditions are optional. If you don’t care about a particular value, don’t include it in your filter.

Posts in past X minutes

Condition Format
posts_in_past_x_minutes array(x,y)
threads_with_no_replies_in_past_x_minutes array(x,y)

Checks if there has been x posts or more in the past y minutes (on the current board).

The above conditions are currently unavailable in the latest git revision.


Condition Format
name Regexp
trip String
email Regexp
subject Regexp
body Regexp
filename Regexp
extension Regexp
ip Regexp
OP Boolean
has_file Boolean


Custom Format
custom Function

Similar to events but the function must return true if the condition was met.

$config['flood_filters'][] = array(
	'condition' => array(
		'name' => '/^Anonymous$/',
		'body' => '/h$/i',
		'OP' => false,
		'custom' => function($post) {
			if ($post['name'] == 'Anonymous')
				return true;
				return false;
	'action' => 'reject'



Variable Type Format Default
message Optional String "Posting throttled by flood filter."

The post is rejected and an error message is displayed.


Variable Type Format Default Description
reason Required String The displayed ban reason.
expires Optional Integer 0 (indefinite) The ban length in seconds.
reject Optional Boolean true Whether to allow the post before banning.
message Optional String NULL If defined, display an error instead of the ban page.
all_boards Optional Boolean false Whether to make the ban global.

The user is immediately banned and the post may be rejected.


The following example, to be added in a configuration file, blocks users posting a reply with the name “surgeon”, ending his posts with “regards, the surgeon” or similar.

$config['flood_filters'][] = array(
	'condition' => array(
		'name' => '/^surgeon$/',
		'body' => '/regards,\s+(the )?surgeon$/i',
		'OP' => false
	'action' => 'reject',
	'message' => 'Go away, spammer.'

Instead of rejecting the post, you can ban the user too.

$config['flood_filters'][] = array(
	'condition' => array(
		'name' => '/^surgeon$/',
		'body' => '/regards,\s+(the )?surgeon$/i',
		'OP' => false
	'action' => 'ban',
	'expires' => 60 * 60 * 3, // 3 hours
	'reason' => 'Go away, spammer.'

See also

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