Install dotNET and Csharp - Webbprogrammering/websoft GitHub Wiki
We will install the development environment .NET Core SDK which contains support for the programming language C#.
You are familiar with the terminal and how to install programs.
You have basic knowledge on the .NET environment.
Go to the .NET Core Download Page and install the .NET Core SDK.
Check what versions you have installed.
dotnet --version
dotnet --help
dotnet --list-sdks
dotnet --list-runtimes
Verify that dotnet works
Lets create a sample console application using C#.
dotnet new console -o app
cd app
A project setup is generated. Review the files created. The run the program to show the "Hello World!" message.
$ dotnet run
Hello World!
You can now try to update the Program.cs
which holds the code for the program.
Read and learn
The guide for the development environment .NET Core.
Walk through the .NET tutorial for the "Hello World" program.