Branch, Contributing, & Release Workflow - WebDevStudios/php-coding-standards GitHub Wiki

For php-coding-standards, js-coding-standards, and css-coding-standards we use this workflow to contribute and release packages:

  1. Branch off master
  2. Submit PR against master (add notes in to Unreleased section)
  3. Merge into master
  4. Code will go out with that release later


Releases no longer go into release branches, instead master may be dirty and when ready for release:

NPM Packages

For all NPM packages, run npm version --no-git-tag-version <tag> without a v in front of it please, and git tag <tag>; git push --tags, and run npm publish.

Release Checklist

Note, you no longer have to update a Changelog, we will note those changes in the Github release.

  • Bump version in package*.json using npm version MAJOR|MINOR|PATCH (allowing the vX.X.X tag) and push that up to Github
  • npm publish to
  • Run npx npm-pack-all and upload .tar.gz with the release
  • Create a release in Github documenting the changes
    • Add the .tar.gz from above
    • Document how to install that version

Composer Packages

For PHP Coding Standards, which uses Composer simply tag a new release and login to WebDevStudio's profile or and update related package settings.


master, for all packages, may have dirty development only code on them. Since these are public packages on and, tags always denote stable code.

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