Comment Creation Pipeline - WeTeam/WeBlog GitHub Wiki

Updating the Comment Creation Process

WeBlog Release 2.1 added the weblogCreateComment pipeline which is executed when a new comment is submitted. The pipeline is responsible for creation of the comment, verification of the comment and submission into workflow.

The following configuration shows the default pipeline.

To alter the comment creation process you can simply update the pipeline and swap processors or introduce new processors to perform specific actions.

For example, a developer could update the pipeline to include a processor which checks the users email against a blacklist to ensure the user should be allowed to submit the comment.

All processors should implement the Sitecore.Modules.WeBlog.Pipelines.CreateComment.ICreateCommentProcessor interface which declares the Process() method which accepts a single parameter of type Sitecore.Modules.WeBlog.Pipelines.CreateComment.CreateCommentArgs. This type defines a few properties containing information about the comment and entry. The following list details these properties.

EntryID: The ID of the entry the comment is being created against
Comment: The comment data submitted by the user
CommentItem: The comment item once created. This property is null when the pipeline starts and is populated by the CreateCommentItem processor
Database: The database the entry is being created in