PCM2706 USB DAC V2 to V5 - Wayne-Weng/PCM2706-USB-DAC GitHub Wiki


The project aims different PCB designs based on the PCM2706 USB DAC. Each revision is a specific hardware design for different environment.


PCM2706 USB DAC V2 The first version of PCB design, with button functions and audio SPDIF output available .

PCM2706 USB DAC V3 The second version of PCB design, with only main analog audio output. USB B type connector on the board.

PCM2706 USB DAC V4 The third version of PCB design, with male USB A-type connector. Easy-to-plug design for users to install the device on desktop PCs(back panel of the mother board), not a problem when the USB slots are dense, one next to the other.

PCM2706 USB DAC Stick (V5) The 4th version of PCB design, this time manufactured in CN. Featured a PCB-designed USB connector pad. The USB-stick shape makes this board easy to plug into the laptop without colliding with other devices.


Final product V5

Earlier version V4

PCB Batch

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PCM2706-USB-DACWayne製作,以創用CC 姓名標示-相同方式分享 3.0 台灣 授權條款釋出。

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