Troubleshooting - WaxCylinderRevival/frus-dates-project GitHub Wiki

Here are some issues you might encounter while working with dates:

Scenario 1

After running Right click on file name in project pane -> "Transform" -> "Transform with..." -> "Update FRUS document dates," you might receive the following error message:

System ID: /Users/waxcylinderrevival/workspace/hsg-project/repos/frus/schema/saxon-configuration.xml
Scenario: Update FRUS document dates
XML file: /Users/waxcylinderrevival/workspace/hsg-project/repos/frus/volumes/frus1927v03.xml
XSL file: /Users/waxcylinderrevival/workspace/hsg-project/repos/frus/schema/update-frus-doc-dates.xsl
Engine name: Saxon-EE
Severity: warning
**Description: Invalid configuration property xquery/@version. Supplied value '3.1'. languageVersion = 3.1**
Start location: 4:28

If you scroll to the encodingDesc/classDeclsection of your chosen document, you might see the classDecl/xi:include reference has been replaced with the full taxonomy.


  <taxonomy xml:id="frus-dates" xml:base="../shared/frus-dates.xml">
    <category xml:id="date_apparent-typo-based-on-document-content">
      <catDesc>The recorded date was determined to be an error via content of the
        document and corrected Date value(s) were inferred from the content of
        the document</catDesc>
    <category xml:id="date_apparent-typo-based-on-document-scan">
      <catDesc>The recorded date was determined to be an error via scanned version
        of the original document and corrected Date value(s) were inferred from
        the content of the scanned document</catDesc>

Quick Fix

  1. Replace classDecl/taxonomy with:
  <xi:include href="../shared/frus-dates.xml" xpointer="frus-dates"/>
  1. Format and indent
  2. Save

Global Fix

Adjust Transformation Configuration Settings

  1. Right click on the folder "volumes" under the "frus" directory.
  2. Select "Transform" -> "Configure Transformation Scenario(s)"
  3. Select the Project Scenario you need to use -> Click Edit button.
  4. Find "Transformer:" in middle of the screen. Select "Saxon EE-..." in dropdown. Then click gear button to the right of this dropdown.
  5. A new window opens. Check "Use a configuration file("-config")"
  6. In "URL:", enter "${pdu}/repos/frus/schema/saxon-configuration.xml"
  7. Make sure "Debugger trace into XPath expressions (applies to debugging sessions)" is checked.
  8. Click "OK".
  9. You return to the "Edit scenario" screen. Click "OK."
  10. You return to the "Configure Transformation Scenario(s)" screen. Click "Save and close"

Update OxygenXML Software

  1. Check your desktop version of oXygenXML. You may need to upgrade your local version of this software.
  2. If an oXygenXML upgrade is needed, follow the steps at
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