Troubleshooting - WaxCylinderRevival/frus-dates-project GitHub Wiki
Here are some issues you might encounter while working with dates:
After running Right click on file name in project pane -> "Transform" -> "Transform with..." -> "Update FRUS document dates,"
you might receive the following error message:
System ID: /Users/waxcylinderrevival/workspace/hsg-project/repos/frus/schema/saxon-configuration.xml
Scenario: Update FRUS document dates
XML file: /Users/waxcylinderrevival/workspace/hsg-project/repos/frus/volumes/frus1927v03.xml
XSL file: /Users/waxcylinderrevival/workspace/hsg-project/repos/frus/schema/update-frus-doc-dates.xsl
Engine name: Saxon-EE
Severity: warning
**Description: Invalid configuration property xquery/@version. Supplied value '3.1'. languageVersion = 3.1**
Start location: 4:28
If you scroll to the encodingDesc/classDecl
section of your chosen document, you might see the classDecl/xi:include
reference has been replaced with the full taxonomy.
<taxonomy xml:id="frus-dates" xml:base="../shared/frus-dates.xml">
<category xml:id="date_apparent-typo-based-on-document-content">
<catDesc>The recorded date was determined to be an error via content of the
document and corrected Date value(s) were inferred from the content of
the document</catDesc>
<category xml:id="date_apparent-typo-based-on-document-scan">
<catDesc>The recorded date was determined to be an error via scanned version
of the original document and corrected Date value(s) were inferred from
the content of the scanned document</catDesc>
- Replace
<xi:include href="../shared/frus-dates.xml" xpointer="frus-dates"/>
- Format and indent
- Save
- Right click on the folder "volumes" under the "frus" directory.
- Select "Transform" -> "Configure Transformation Scenario(s)"
- Select the Project Scenario you need to use -> Click Edit button.
- Find "Transformer:" in middle of the screen. Select "Saxon EE-..." in dropdown. Then click gear button to the right of this dropdown.
- A new window opens. Check "Use a configuration file("-config")"
- In "URL:", enter "${pdu}/repos/frus/schema/saxon-configuration.xml"
- Make sure "Debugger trace into XPath expressions (applies to debugging sessions)" is checked.
- Click "OK".
- You return to the "Edit scenario" screen. Click "OK."
- You return to the "Configure Transformation Scenario(s)" screen. Click "Save and close"
- Check your desktop version of oXygenXML. You may need to upgrade your local version of this software.
- If an oXygenXML upgrade is needed, follow the steps at