MVP'S - Watts-Blake/Discord-proj GitHub Wiki

1. Users

  • Create a user Account for login.
  • Demo User account for for sample usage of the site.
  • Users cant use the site without being signed in.

2. Servers (main feature #1)

  • Logged in users can Join and leave servers to be able to read their Content.
  • Logged in users can Create, Update and Delete servers that they own.

3. Server Channels (main feature #2)

  • Logged in users who are a member of a server can view a server channel
  • Logged in users who are the owner of a server, can create, update and delete a channel

4. Channel Messages (bonus)

  • Logged in users and server member can read, create, update, and delete a message on a channel.

5. Direct Messages (bonus)

  • Logged in users can read, create, update and delete a direct message/direct message group.

6. Server Voice Channels (bonus)

  • Logged in users and server owners can create, update and delete a server voice channel.
  • Logged in users and server members can read, and join into voice channel.

7. Friends (bonus)

  • Logged in users can create and receive friend requests
  • Logged in users can read and delete friends.