Waterdog Installation - WaterdogPE/Waterdog GitHub Wiki

Guides to installing Waterdog on your OS


Starting Waterdog

  1. As a prerequisite, install Java 8 or above if you don't have it already.
  2. Download the latest built Waterdog .jar
  3. Place the file inside a new directory dedicated to Waterdog.
  4. Create a new startup script to launch the the JAR:


@echo off

java -Xms512M -Xmx512M -jar Waterdog.jar



java -Xms512M -Xmx512M -jar BungeeCord.jar

To give your script executable permissions chmod a+x <script_file>

  1. Once you have successfully installed BungeeCord, it is time to get it working properly. One of the most essential steps is to set your connected server instances (Nukkit, PMMP) to run in offline-mode, which can be achieved by modifying server.properties. You would need to set xbox-auth to false.

Configuring for Minecraft: Bedrock use

  1. To configure Waterdog to work with MCBE servers you have to enable RakNet mode on config.yml file. Set raknetin listener and in servers part of config to true.
  2. Waterdog will listen on port configured in host. This port should be same as query_port attribute. Usually MCBE uses 19132 port. To bind listener to localhost, you can use address. Example:
    raknet: true
- query_port: 19132
  raknet: true
  1. Offline mode authorization will produce a UUID based on the username, just like normal BungeeCord. This can be disabled by using the use_xuid_for_uuid config option.
  2. As Waterdog is fork of Bungeecord rest of configuration is same. More information can be found here.