Lesson 6 Communicate with hardware over MQTT - Water-Monitor/IoT-Portfolio-FJS GitHub Wiki

Our last task of the day was to create our first node in iotempower. Most of it was already instructed on the github page of iotempower.

First Node

  • Make sure to switch in the iot environment (enter 'iot' in the terminal)
  • Get a Wemus and plug it into the laptop/pc
  • Follow the instructions on the github page (mentioned in the beginning): Create a directory, copy paste a file, ...
  • We do not need the ip stuff if we work on the main laptop since it already uses the gateway. However, if you don't work on the main laptop, you need to do it.
  • Some of the terms in the github doc are marked as 'code commands', although they aren't. Do not mistake them for commands that one could put in the terminal (like the 'default' part or so on).
  • Figure out which ip address could work ( not working... but did)
  • Change the SSID and the password in the system conf (makes it permanent)
  • After finishing the task, the sensor even works after changing the pc/power supply.
  • When publishing on/off, we can even change the LED light.

We had one main issue during this task: We all worked on our own and used the same topic names. Therfore, we created a huge mess and only one could flash at a time, which lead to chaos.