Lesson 2 Story - Water-Monitor/IoT-Portfolio-FJS GitHub Wiki

Story Stijn & Johanna:

Frida is 26 years old and works as an employee at a small multimedia-company. Last year she finally completed installing a smart system in her house, which can be controlled and preset from an app on her smartphone.

At 8:00 am the light turns slightly and slowly on. Slowly Frida is waking up. A little bit later the curtains open and the light balances with the sunlight.

At 8:30 she walks to the bathroom, the motion sensor detects her and the lights in the bathroom turn on. Since she predefined the light in her app, during the morning there is a very natural not too bright light. She turns on the shower and waits a bit until the LED on the shower turns from a blueish to a reddish light, which is the exact temperature that she wants. After showering, at 8:50, she puts on her make-up and thanks to the very natural not too bright light, it is very good to see how the make-up will look with the natural lighting.

It is 9:10, she walks down towards the kitchen. When she walks in the hall, a motion sensor detects her and turns the light in the hallway and stairs on. When she arrives in the kitchen the light is cold and bright. She predefined that lighting for the kitchen during mornings, because she wants to get fully awake. She prepares and eats her breakfast.

At 9:40 am she goes back to the bathroom and brushes her teeth, just before she packs her stuff to get to work. When she leaves the house, the system recognizes that she leaves, because of her location of her phone and shuts down all of the lights.

At 7 pm, Frida returns from work. The lights in the entrance room start to turn on as soon as she enters the room. The system recognizes her position. She always comes home quite late from her job, therefore she presetted the lights to be more cozy and warm, if she returns at 7 pm or later. It is 7.10 pm now and she starts preparing dinner. Since she lives alone, she likes to watch TV while eating her food. The system will set the lights in the living room into “TV-mode” as soon as she turns on the TV. TV-mode means that the lights get even less bright but still bright enough to see everything clearly.

After an hour, she decides to watch a movie on a streaming platform. She picks “Brother Bear 2” and as the movie starts, the light switches into “cinema-mode”, which means that the main-lights turn off and only a small light stays on. Since the TV is also a lightsource, it will put on a blue-light filter after 7 pm (also preset on her phone).

At 10 pm she finishes her movie and lights turn softly on again and she walks upstairs to her bedroom. Before she goes to bed, she starts reading a book. By using her app on the smartphone, she only turns on the small lights above her bed. 10.30 pm: Then she goes to bed and all the lights turn off, till 8 am.

Story Fadi & Maltie

Fadi and Maltie

The story:

The robber: Rob, Student: Philip. Philip is a 15-year-old student who lives in Detroit with his mom and dad. He has been saving money for four years now and now has 500 dollars. Recently, the new iPhone 13 got released. All the cool kids at school already have it. Philip wants to feel cool too. This new iPhone costs 1000 dollars, so he can not afford it. He goes home very sad and his mom asks him why. He tells his mom that he can not afford the new phone and he does not feel cool. After the story she lets her son borrow 500 dollars to get the new iPhone 13. Philip goes to buy the phone at the Apple store and goes straight home after.

His mom gets a package from school with a letter about robberies. There are a lot of robberies on the school lately. The package contains an emergency button which is specifically made for the school Philip goes to. This emergency button is small and has a hook so you can attach it easily to your belt. The button is also very noticeable because of the big red button in the middle. When pressed once, the button makes a loud noise and sends a message to the security of the school. When pressed twice, the button does not make any sound and sends a message to security. The message contains the following: ‘I am in danger and I am at this location..’ The emergency button works via a server address that is pre-installed in the device and this communicates with the server that is on the school. When pressed, the security gets a message on the computer with an alert. The alert rings three times, then the message appears with the location of the emergency.

When he gets home his mom warns Philip about robberies and she gives him the emergency button. If Philip loses his phone, he can not get a new one. The next day he goes to his school very happy, with his new phone and the button. Rob goes to the same school as Philip but he goes to a class higher than Philip. Rob is very poor and wants to earn some extra money. He is planning to steal a couple of phones to sell them to a pawn shop. The first person he sees with a good phone is Philip. Philip is walking to class through the corridor. Philip sees Rob coming towards him very fast and presses his emergency button immediately. The button makes a loud noise and sends a signal to the security. Rob gets scared and runs away. Pressing the button was very easy for Philip. After a while, the security arrives at the location. Because there was a witness they could find Rob very easily. Rob gets detention and Philip can enjoy his new phone a bit longer. The device saved Philip.