Getting Started - WatcherWhale/ GitHub Wiki

Getting Started

1. Add to your project

This can be done by either adding the dll or installing the nuget package

PM> Install-Package

2. Login to Netflix

To log into Netflix we first have to ask the user's credentials, hereby we can log them into their account. The Login method is a static method that returns a instance with type Netflix.

public Netflix _netflix;

public async void Login(string email, string password)
    _netflix = await Netflix.Login(email,password);

3. Get Profiles

Now we can obtain all profile info from the diffrent profiles and add them to a dropdown for changing the current active profile.

public void LoadProfiles()
    foreach (Profile prof in _netflix.Profiles.profiles)
        //Skip the Kids profile, if you like
        if (prof.rawFirstName == "Kids") continue;

        //Load in the profile's avatar
        var task = prof.GetAvatarImageStream(AvatarSizes.Size64);

        //add profiles to a dropdown or somthing else
        var dropItem = profilesDropDown.Items.Add(prof.firstName);
        dropItem.Image = Image.FromStream(await task);

        dropItem.Click += dropItem_Clicked;

private async void DropItem_Click(DropDownItem sender, EventArgs e)
    //Switch the profile
    await _netflix.SwitchProfile(_netflix.Profiles.GetProfileByName(e.Text));

4. Load View/Ratings History of current profile

Now we can switch between profiles and login to our Netflix account, the most logical step is to load our View/Ratings History.

public async void LoadViewHistory()
    var history = await _netflix.GetViewHistory();

public async void LoadRatingHistory()
    var ratings = await _netflix.GetRatingHistory();