Known bugs - WassimJabz/Purposeful GitHub Wiki

Before starting to fix a bug, create an issue on GitHub and tag it bug, then create a branch for the fix. This issue should match the task associated with your user story for fixing bugs

To Be Fixed in Sprint A

User Story ID016

As a user, I want to be able to modify the details of any idea that I have posted it so that my idea can be changed over time

Known Bugs

  • When requesting to modify an idea, users can currently modify any idea given they have the UUID of the specific idea even if it doesn't belong to them.
  • Suggested fix - add a check in the controller method that the current username of the logged in user matches the owner of the idea

User Story ID002

As a moderator, I want to modify the details of my account so that they contain my updated information

Known Bugs

  • When requesting to change a password, the person is not required to enter their old password.
  • Suggested fix - this could be done on the frontend by getting the username from the token the logged in user has, but requiring them to enter their old password to authenticate access to the endpoint. Could also be done at backend level


Set up Chakra UI with the Next.js and React.js frontend

Known Bugs

  • When the theme is set to dark and a page is loaded, the page is first loaded like light theme and then transitions to dark theme

To Be Fixed in Sprint B

User Story ID016

As a user, I want to be able to modify the details of any idea that I have posted it so that my idea can be changed over time

Known Bugs

  • When requesting to modify an idea, users can currently modify any idea given they have the UUID of the specific idea even if it doesn't belong to them.
  • Suggested fix - add a check in the controller method that the current username of the logged in user matches the owner of the idea

User Story ID002

As a moderator, I want to modify the details of my account so that they contain my updated information

Known Bugs

  • When requesting to change a password, the person is not required to enter their old password.
  • Suggested fix - this could be done on the frontend by getting the username from the token the logged in user has, but requiring them to enter their old password to authenticate access to the endpoint. Could also be done at backend level

To Be Fixed in Future Sprint

Security and Authentication

Known Bugs

  • To expose the endpoint for creating a user account, we removed it from the security filter chain. When we build the frontend, we will create an authority called client that will allow the frontend server to send requests to create new accounts, but no one else.

Email Verification

Known Bugs

  • Right now, when creating an account or when modifying the email of an account, the email verification process is minimal. The syntax is accurately verified as a first layer of security. An email validation however is not sent to the email.
  • Suggested fix - We can follow this tutorial:

Light and Dark Mode

T173 + T255

Set up Chakra UI with the Next.js and React.js frontend + Implement the frontend component for a navigation bar between pages

Known Bugs

  • When the theme is set to dark and a page is loaded, the page is first loaded like light theme and then transitions to dark theme

CollaborationResponse UI component


Known Bugs

  • If there is no response to show, the button to "show response" will appear for a few moments before disappearing.

Creating and Modifying Ideas

T195 + T99

Known Bugs

  • Sometimes either the domains, or the topics, or the technologies will fail to load when the page is loaded, and the page needs to be refreshed.