Console and commands - WarpOrganization/warp GitHub Wiki


Writing anything in console and pressing enter sends ConsoleInputEvent.

If the text starts with / it is passed to ConsoleService to be parsed and executed.
If not, it is passed to ClientConsoleService or ServerConsoleService where it ise then sent to server/clients through the use of ChatMessageEvent.

Default commands

By default these commands are registered:

  • help [command] - prints help text for given command
  • list - lists all available

Writing own commands

There are two ways to write a command:

  • SimpleCommand, where you pass command (word that triggers execution), helpText (text that appears when help command is called), and usageText (text that you can print if command was used wrong) in the constructor. Then you call setExecutor to pass a lambda to be executed. From inside the lambda you have access to String[] containing arguments.
  • By creating own class extending abstract class Command
    Remember to call registerCommand on ConsoleService instance.