INSTALLATION - Warafux/personalNotesApiConnectorCSharp GitHub Wiki

How to install the Api connector

NuGet Package

  1. Open your NuGet package manager of your project (Right-Click on your project)
  2. Search for alexparedes.personalNotesApiConnectorCSharp
  3. Install the latest version

Via GitHub

With source code.

  1. Download the latest release (source code) of the ApiController
  2. Extract the content.
  3. Add the project to your solution. (Right-click on your solution and "Add existant project")
  4. Select the .csproject of the folder you just extracted.
  5. Right-Click on your "References" of your main project.
  6. Click on "Add a reference".
  7. Check the box of personalNotesApiConnectorCSHarp project.
  8. Accept.